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Louis Armstrong lyrics
Somewhere over the Rainbow lyrics
Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that ...
Somewhere over the Rainbow [Croatian translation]
Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that ...
Somewhere over the Rainbow [Romanian translation]
Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that ...
Somewhere over the Rainbow [Serbian translation]
Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that ...
Somewhere over the Rainbow [Spanish translation]
Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that ...
St. James Infirmary lyrics
(I, yeah, yeah) I, yeah, yeah I went down to St. James Infirmary Saw my baby there... She was stretched out on a long, white table So cold, so sweet, ...
St. James Infirmary [Romanian translation]
(Eu, da, da) Eu, da, da M-am dus la infirmeria St. James mi-am văzut iubirea acolo Stătea întinsă pe o masă lungă, albă atât de rece, atât de dulce, a...
The Circle Of Your Arms lyrics
Within the circle of your arms I love to dance the night away, Within the circle of your tender embrace I find the place I wanna stay... When all the ...
The Circle Of Your Arms [Russian translation]
Within the circle of your arms I love to dance the night away, Within the circle of your tender embrace I find the place I wanna stay... When all the ...
The Dummy Song lyrics
I'll take the legs from some old table I'll take the arms from some old chair I'll take the neck from some old bottle And from a horse I'll take the h...
The Dummy Song [Portuguese translation]
Pegarei as pernas de alguma mesa velha Pegarei os braços de alguma cadeira velha Pegareio pescoço de alguma garrafa velha E de um cavalo, pegarei o ca...
The Dummy Song [Romanian translation]
Am să iau picioarele de la o masă veche Am să iau braţele de la ceva scaun vechi Am să iau gâtul de la o sticlă veche şi de la un cal voi lua părul. A...
Louis Armstrong - We Have All the Time in the World
We have all the time in the world Time enough for life to unfold All the precious things love has in store We have all the love in the world If that's...
We Have All the Time in the World [Croatian translation]
Imamo svo vrijeme svijeta Dovoljno vremena da život razmota Sve dragocjene stvari koje je ljubav spremila. Imamo svu ljubav svijeta To je sve što imam...
We Have All the Time in the World [Estonian translation]
Meil on kogu maailma aeg Aega piisavalt, et elu end avaks Meil on kogu maailma armastus Kui see on kõik, mis meil on, leiad Me ei vajagi muud Iga samm...
We Have All the Time in the World [German translation]
Wir haben alle Zeit der Welt Genug Zeit, damit das Leben All die kostbaren Dinge vor uns ausbreiten kann, die die Liebe für uns bereit hält Wir haben ...
We Have All the Time in the World [Greek translation]
Έχουμε όλο το χρόνο του κόσμου Αρκετό χρόνο για να ξεδιπλωθεί η ζωή Όλα τα πολύτιμα πράγματα που'χει αποθηκευμένα η αγάπη Έχουμε όλη την αγάπη του κόσ...
We Have All the Time in the World [Italian translation]
Abbiamo tutto il tempo del mondo Abbastanza tempo perché la vita spieghi Tutte le belle cose che l'amore ha in serbo Abbiano tutto il tempo del mondo ...
We Have All the Time in the World [Romanian translation]
Avem tot timpul din lume, Timp suficient ca viaţa să îşi dezvăluie Toate lucrurile preţioase pe care iubirea le are, Avem toată iubirea din lume, Dacă...
We Have All the Time in the World [Serbian translation]
Имамо све време на свету, довољно да живот покаже све оне дивне ствари које чува за нас. Имамо све време на свету, а чак и да је то све што имамо, вид...
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