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Louis Armstrong lyrics
Lover Come Back To Me [Turkish translation]
Gökyüzü yüksekte ve maviydi Ay yeniydi ve aşk ta öyle Bu istekli gönlüm şarkı söylüyordu Sevgilim, nerede olabilirsin? Sonunda geldin, aşkın günüydü O...
Mack The Knife lyrics
Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear And he shows them pearly white Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe And he keeps it, ah, out of sight Ya ...
Mack The Knife [Japanese translation]
サメの自慢の 鋭い歯が 真珠のように 真白く光る マックの得物は ジャックナイフ でも能ある鷹は 爪を隠すのさ サメがその歯で 噛み付けば 真っ赤に染まった 波がうねる マックは洒落た 手袋はめて いつも立つ鳥 跡を濁さずさ 日曜の朝方 歩道の上に 一人の死体が 血だまりの中 誰かの気配 その角の陰...
Mack The Knife [Spanish translation]
¡Oh! el tiburón tiene esos dientes y los enseña blancos como perlas. MacHeath solo usa una navaja y no la lleva a la vista. Cuando el tiburón muerde s...
Mi va di cantare lyrics
Ciao, stasera son qui Mi va di cantare perché sei con me Ciao, stasera con te Mi sento felice, felice perché... Bambina, tu più bella che mai Ricordi ...
Mi va di cantare [English translation]
Hey, this evening I'm here I feel like singing because you are with me Hey, this evening I'm here I feel happy, happy because... Girl, more beautiful ...
Mi va di cantare [Romanian translation]
Salut, în această seară sunt aci Am chef sa cânt pentru că ești cu mine Salut, în această seară cu tine Mă simt fericit, fericit pentru că ... Fato, t...
Muskrat Ramble lyrics
Look at them shuffling shuffling down Rambling and scrambling heading to town Hustling and bustling buzzing around Happily waiting at the station Look...
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen lyrics
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen Nobody knows my sorrow Nobody knows the trouble I've seen Glory hallelujah! Sometimes I'm up, sometimes I'm down Oh...
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen [Romanian translation]
Nu-i nimenea sa stie-al meu necaz Tristetea mea s-o stie, Nu-i nimenea sa stearg-al meu obraz Glorie Aleluia! Pe culme sus, in vai plangand, (Eu) sunt...
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen [Serbian translation]
Niko ne zna nevolje koje sam video Niko ne zna moju patnju Niko ne zna nevolje koje sam video Veliko Aleluja Ponekad sam na vrhu, ponekad na dnu O da,...
On the Sunny Side of the Street lyrics
[Lyrics begin at 1:40] Grab your coat Grab your hat baby Leave your worries on the doorstep Just direct your feet On the sunny side of the street Can'...
On the Sunny Side of the Street [Russian translation]
[Lyrics begin at 1:40] Хватай кепку И пальто, Брось тревоги на пороге, Видишь — небо стало ясней, Там, на солнечной стороне, Слушай звук своих шагов —...
Skeleton in the Closet lyrics
Boy, don't you go in there Come outta there, boy Don't you know that house is haunted? There's an old deserted mansion on an old forgotten road Where ...
Skeleton in the Closet [Turkish translation]
Boy, don't you go in there Come outta there, boy Don't you know that house is haunted? There's an old deserted mansion on an old forgotten road Where ...
Skokiaan lyrics
Hokey-Skoki, Skoki-oki-aan Okey-Dokey, anybody can Oooooh, far away in Africa Happy, happy Africa They sing a-bing-a-bang-a-bingo They have a ball and...
Skokiaan [Romanian translation]
Hokey-Skoki, Skoki-oki-aan Okey-Dokey, toată lumea poate Ooooh, departe prin Africa Fericita, fericita Africă ei cântă a-bing-a-bang-a-bingo, fac un b...
Someday You'll Be Sorry lyrics
Someday you'll be sorry, The way you treated me was wrong, I was the one who taught you all you know, Your friends said to you To make me sing another...
Someday You'll Be Sorry [Romanian translation]
Într-o zi, o să-ţi pară rău felul în care m-ai tratat a fost greşit, eram cel ce te-a-nvăţat tot ceea ce ştii. Prietenii ăi ţi-au zis să mă faci să câ...
Someday You'll Be Sorry [Russian translation]
Однажды ты пожалеешь, Что обращалась так со мной, Я был тебе совсем, как брат родной, Ну а твои дружки пытались Нарушить моей жизни строй... Ну так, у...
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