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Louis Armstrong lyrics
Cheek to Cheek [Romanian translation]
Rai, sunt în rai şi inima mea bate aşa încât cu greu pot vorbi Şi par că aş găsi fericirea pe care o caut când suntem împreună dansând obraz lângă obr...
Cheek to Cheek [Russian translation]
Небеса, я на Небесах И мое сердцу бъется так, что я мне трудно слово сказать И кажется я нашел счастье, что искал Когда мы где-то танцуем щека к щеке ...
Cheek to Cheek [Serbian translation]
Na nebu, ja sam na nebu I moje srce lupa tako da ne mogu da teško pričam I mislim da sam pronašla ono što sam tražio Dok plešemo zajedno obraz uz obra...
Cheek to Cheek [Spanish translation]
Cielo, estoy en el cielo, y mi corazón late de tal forma que apenas puedo hablar, y parece que he encontrado la felicidad que buscaba, cuando estamos ...
Summer Time lyrics
Summer time and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the cotton is high. Oh your daddy's rich and your ma is good looking. So hush little baby don...
Summer Time [Armenian translation]
Summer time and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the cotton is high. Oh your daddy's rich and your ma is good looking. So hush little baby don...
Summer Time [Bosnian translation]
Summer time and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the cotton is high. Oh your daddy's rich and your ma is good looking. So hush little baby don...
Summer Time [Bulgarian translation]
Summer time and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the cotton is high. Oh your daddy's rich and your ma is good looking. So hush little baby don...
Summer Time [Croatian translation]
Summer time and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the cotton is high. Oh your daddy's rich and your ma is good looking. So hush little baby don...
Summer Time [German translation]
Summer time and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the cotton is high. Oh your daddy's rich and your ma is good looking. So hush little baby don...
Summer Time [Hebrew translation]
Summer time and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the cotton is high. Oh your daddy's rich and your ma is good looking. So hush little baby don...
Summer Time [Romanian translation]
Summer time and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the cotton is high. Oh your daddy's rich and your ma is good looking. So hush little baby don...
Summer Time [Russian translation]
Summer time and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the cotton is high. Oh your daddy's rich and your ma is good looking. So hush little baby don...
Summer Time [Serbian translation]
Summer time and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the cotton is high. Oh your daddy's rich and your ma is good looking. So hush little baby don...
Under a blanket of blue lyrics
Under a blanket of blue Just you and I beneath the stars Wrapped in the arms of sweet romance The night is ours, yes Under a blanket of blue Let me be...
'Zat You, Santa Claus lyrics
Zat you, Santa Claus? Gifts I'm preparin' For some Christmas sharin' But I pause because Hangin' my stockin' I can hear a knockin' 'Zat you, Santa Cla...
'Zat You, Santa Claus [Romanian translation]
Moş Crăciun, tu eşti? Pregătesc daruri Pentru împărţit de Crăciun Dar mă opresc căci Atârnându-mi şoseta Aud o bătaie în uşă, Moş Crăciun, tu eşti? Af...
Louis Armstrong - A Kiss to Build a Dream on
Give me a kiss to build a dream on And my imagination will thrive upon that kiss Sweetheart, I ask no more than this A kiss to build a dream on Give m...
A Kiss to Build a Dream on [Croatian translation]
Daj mi poljubac da na njemu izgradim san I moja mašta će onda poletjeti na krilima tog poljupca Slatkice, ne tražim ništa više nego ovo Poljubac da na...
A Kiss to Build a Dream on [Dutch translation]
Geef mij een kus die mij doet dromen En mijn fantasie gedijt op die kus Schat, ik vraag niet meer dan dit: Een kus die mij doet dromen Geef mij een ku...
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