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Korn lyrics
Daddy [Serbian translation]
Majko molim te oprosti mi Jednostavno sam morao da ispoljim svu svoju bol i patnju Sada kada sam gotov, zapamti da cu te uvek voleti Ja sam tvoj sin M...
Daddy [Spanish translation]
Madre, por favor perdóname Solo tenía que sacar todo mi dolor y sufrimiento Ahora que lo he hecho, recuerda que siempre te amaré Soy tu hijo Pequeño n...
Daddy [Turkish translation]
Anne lütfen affet beni Sadece çektiğim tüm acıyı başımdan atmak zorundaydım Şimdi tamamım, seni her zaman seveceğimi hatırla Ben senin oğlunum Küçük ç...
Daddy [Demo] lyrics
Little child, looking so pretty Come out and play, I'll be you're daddy Innocent child, looking so sweet I'll rape in my eyes and then on you're flesh...
Daddy [Demo] [Romanian translation]
Little child, looking so pretty Come out and play, I'll be you're daddy Innocent child, looking so sweet I'll rape in my eyes and then on you're flesh...
Daddy [Demo] [Serbian translation]
Little child, looking so pretty Come out and play, I'll be you're daddy Innocent child, looking so sweet I'll rape in my eyes and then on you're flesh...
Daddy [Demo] [Turkish translation]
Little child, looking so pretty Come out and play, I'll be you're daddy Innocent child, looking so sweet I'll rape in my eyes and then on you're flesh...
Dead lyrics
All I want in life is to be happy (happy). It seems funny to me. How fucked things can be. Everytime I get ahead. I feel more dead.
Dead [Serbian translation]
Sve sto zelim u zivotu je da budem srecan (srecan). To mi zvuci smesno. Koliko stvari sjebane umeju da budu. Svaki put kada krenem napred. Osecam se j...
Dead Bodies Everywhere lyrics
Come on, step inside, and you will realize. Tell me what you need, tell me what to be. What's your vision? You'll see, what do you expect of me? I can...
Dead Bodies Everywhere [Croatian translation]
Hajde, zakorači unutra, i shvatit ćeš. Reci mi što trebaš, reci mi što da budem. Koja je tvoja vizija? Vidjet ćeš, što očekuješ od mene? Ne mogu živje...
Dead Bodies Everywhere [Serbian translation]
Hajde, zakoracite unutra, i shvaticete. Recite mi sta vam je potrebno, recite mi sta da budem. Sta je vasa vizija? Videcete, sta to ocekujete od mene?...
Dead Bodies Everywhere [Spanish translation]
Adelante, entra, y lo descubrirás. Dime qué necesitas, dime cómo quieres que sea. ¿Cuál es tu visión? ¿Qué es lo que ves?, ¿qué esperas de mí? No pued...
Dead Bodies Everywhere [Swedish translation]
Kom igen, stig in, och du kommer att inse Säg mig vad du behöver, säg mig vad jag ska vara Vad är din vision? Du lär se, vad förväntar du dig av mig? ...
Dead Bodies Everywhere [Turkish translation]
Hadi, içeri gel, ve anlayacaksın. Bana neye ihtiyacın olduğunu söyle, ne olacağını söyle. Vizyonun nedir? Göreceksin, benden ne umuyorsun? Ben bu yala...
Deep Inside lyrics
I'm not doing great I feel like I'm dead Not thinking straight Inside my body, troubled, full of hate I had to let it out before it's too late Deep In...
Deep Inside [Serbian translation]
Nije mi bas najbolje Osecam se kao da sam mrtav Ne razmisljam ispravno Unutar mog uznemirenog tela punog mrznje Morao sam da ispraznim sve to, pre neg...
Did My Time lyrics
Realized I can never win Sometimes feel like I have failed Inside where do I begin? My mind is laughing at me Tell me, why am I to blame? Aren't we su...
Did My Time [Esperanto translation]
Rimarkis, ke mi neniam povas gajni Foje sentas min, kiel mi malsukcesis Interne kie mi komencas? Mia menso ridu pri mi Diru al mi, kial mi kulpas? Ĉu ...
Did My Time [Greek translation]
Συνειδητοποίησα ότι δεν μπορώ να κερδίσω ποτέ Κάποιες φορές αισθάνομαι ότι έχω αποτύχει Μέσα από που να ξεκινήσω; Το μυαλό μου γελάει μαζί μου Πες μου...
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