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Korn lyrics
Appears [Turkish translation]
Kırılmış telefon hattı Hiçbir şey ifade etmez Beynim savaş ve boşlukta Soluğum Çok düz Acıyı zapt etmeme yardım eder Dışarıda ne var? İçeri sızar Nası...
Are You Ready To Live? lyrics
I know what you're thinking I know what you're feeling I know where everything in this world surrounds me I feel your breathing I feel your screaming ...
Are You Ready To Live? [Serbian translation]
Znam o cemu razmisljas Znam sta osecas Znam sta me sve na ovom svetu okruzuje Osecam tvoje disanje Osecam tvoje vristanje Osecam da na ovom svetu, ne ...
Are You Ready To Live? [Turkish translation]
Ne düşündüğünü biliyorum Ne hissettiğini biliyorum Bu dünya'da nerelerin beni komple sarmaladığını biliyorum Nefesini hissedebiliyorum Çığlıklarını hi...
Ass Itch lyrics
I hate writing shit, It is so stupid. What's my problem today? Maybe I'm depressed, Maybe I'm helpless to what comes out my hand. Pain, pain, pain, pa...
Ass Itch [Serbian translation]
Mrzim da pisem sranja, To je tako glupo. Koji je moj problem danas? Mozda sam depresivan, Mozda sam bespomocan prema onome sto mi izlazi iz ruke. Bol,...
B.B.K. lyrics
So you've seen I've gotten this far. Please give me some place to rage. I'm not trying to go there, so take me away. Life sometimes pisses me off. It'...
B.B.K. [Serbian translation]
Pa, vidis da sam daleko dogurao. Molim te, daj mi neko mesto gde mogu da besnim. Ja ne pokusavam da odem tamo, tako da me odvedi ti. Zivot me ponekad ...
Baby lyrics
Baby, baby Baby, baby, baby Take a look around No one can make me Deep inside this space Is where I hate me Snuck a ride, I'm so alive Just save me Ha...
Ball Tongue lyrics
There you are alone With no hope of ever having something to be proud of Something earned without begging Yes, I know you're a person, a person close ...
Ball Tongue [Serbian translation]
Tu si sasvim sam Bez nade da ces ikada imati nesto na sta ces biti ponosan Nesto zaradjeno bez prosjacenja Da, ja znam da si ti osoba, osoba bliska me...
Beat It Upright lyrics
Are you ready for a good pounding baby? (get down) Are you ready to get it on? (get down, get down) Don't pretend you're not fucking freaky baby. (get...
Beat It Upright [Serbian translation]
Da li si spremna za dobro punjenje duso? (sagni se) Da li si spremna da ga stavis? (sagni se, sagni se) Ne pretvaraj se da nisi jebeno luckasta duso (...
Beg For Me lyrics
Everyone is looking at me! I can't get out of bed there is evil in my head Everyone just let me be! Because when I hit the stage, it is gone and I am ...
Beg For Me [Serbian translation]
Svi gledaju u mene! Ne mogu da ustanem iz kreveta, zlo je u mojoj glavi Neka me svi ostave na miru! Jer kada krenem na binu, to nestaje i ja sam slobo...
Beg For Me [Spanish translation]
¡Todos están mirándome! No puedo salir de la cama, hay demonios en mi cabeza ¡Todos ustedes, déjenme en paz! Porque cuando piso el escenario, todo des...
Bitch We Got A Problem lyrics
For every person I've tried to be There's another ten inside I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I'M NEVER THERE! I'M ALWAYS WITH YOU BUT NEVER CARED! And you move in ...
Bitch We Got A Problem [Serbian translation]
Pokusao sam da budem svaka osoba Ali ih unutra uvek ima jos deset VOLIM TE TOLIKO, I NIKADA NISAM TU! UVEK SAM SA TOBOM, ALI MI NIKADA NIJE STALO! I n...
Black Is The Soul lyrics
As it all falls down, do I walk away Or do I stand my ground and accept my fate And there's the faceless cries, that twist my every dream And almost e...
Black Is The Soul [French translation]
Alors que tout s'effondre, dois-je m'en aller ? Ou dois-je rester sur mes positions, et accepter mon destin ? Pre refrain Et il y a les pleurs sans vi...
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