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Carpark North lyrics
You're My Fire
White lotus, black vanilla lust. Brand new opus, still nobody we trust but us, brave heart lovers. Why don't we take their hate and put it in the grav...
32 lyrics
It wouldn't stop raining as we sat in the cold 32 daughters and sons Everyone just waiting at the spot as we were told Cause we were the abandoned one...
32 [Danish translation]
Det ville ikke holde op med at regne da vi sad i kulden 32 døtre og sønner Alle ventede bare på det sted som vi var blevet beordret For vi var dem, de...
32 [Hebrew translation]
לא הפסיק לרדת גשם כשישבנו בקור שלושים ושניים בנות ובנים כולם רק מחכים בנקודה כפי שנאמר לנו כי אנחנו הנטושים כמה פעמים אני מוכרח להגיד יש אור בהמשך בקר...
32 [Hungarian translation]
Az eső csak nem állt el, ahogy ültünk a hidegben, 32 leány és fiú. Mindenki azon a helyen várt, amit elmondtak, mert mi voltunk az elhagyottak. Hánysz...
40 Days lyrics
Forty days now I'm drifting away And the planet Gets smaller and smaller now I am fading it's cold out here The stars are glowing Brighter out here I'...
Best Day lyrics
I'm back here in the states (Thoughts turning over) I've seen the marks go by (Beside you) I've dreamt about this place (With thoughts turning over) O...
Better Off Alone lyrics
Everything is breaking apart A thousand pieces just got up like stars And I don't know where to lock up my heart It's madness You're the cold that I c...
Better Off Alone [German translation]
Alles bricht auseinander Tausend Stücke stiegen auf wie Sterne Und ich weiß nicht wo ich mein Herz verschließen soll, Es ist Verrücktheit Du bist die ...
Brothers lyrics
We always said that we'd never part, that we are one. Side by side until we die, we're one when we are three. We're brothers, you and me. We used to s...
Brothers [German translation]
Wir haben immer gesagt, dass wir uns niemals trennen würden, dass wir eins sind. Seite an Seite bis wir sterben, wir sind eins, wenn wir zu dritt sind...
Crystal Continents lyrics
[Verse 1] You are my favorite friend Your eyes are like crystal continents When I die, will you stay 'til the end? 'Cause your tears are like floating...
Crystal Continents [Danish translation]
[Vers 1] Du er min yndlingsven Dine øjne er som krystalkontinenter Når jeg dør, bliver du så til det sidste? For dine tåre er some svævende monumenter...
Everything Starts Again lyrics
Everything starts again Waiting to rise again 'Cause I'm leaving the city Leaving everything behind Fights were not hard to find And we took it too fa...
Everything Starts Again [German translation]
Alles beginnt erneut, wartend um wieder aufzuerstehen. Denn ich verlasse die Stadt, lass alles zurück. Streitereien waren nicht schwer zu finden, und ...
Fireworks lyrics
It's on your hand The scratching choices The streets are shallow And so were the sounds Impatient road Is asking questions From the hour before this B...
Fireworks [Danish translation]
Det er i dine hænder De skrammende valg Gaderne er overfladiske Og ligeså lydende Utålmodige veje Stiller spørgsmål Fra timen før denne Før noget Fyrv...
Fireworks [German translation]
Es ist auf deiner Hand, die kratzenden Entscheidungen. Die Straßen sind seicht und genauso waren die Klänge. Die ungeduldige Straße stellt Fragen, von...
Glastårne lyrics
Jeg tror ikk' længere på missionen Det føles som om at alt er tabt Vi sidder her i glastårnet Og tårnets fod' ødelagt Vi vandt et slag med kugler og k...
Glastårne [English translation]
I no longer believe in the mission It feels as if everything has been lost We're sitting here in the tower of glass And the base of the tower is broke...
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