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The Dreadnoughts lyrics
Roll The Woodpile Down
Away down South where the cocks do crow, Way down in Florida. Them girls all dance to the old banjo. And we'll roll the woodpile down. Rollin! Rollin!...
Roll The Woodpile Down [Ukrainian translation]
Що бокорашу по Черемошу Геть аж від Буркута? Старий Іванець точить топірець Ми підрулим до Прута Рулим! Рулим! Рулимо по світах! Чорняве дівча в Вижни...
Roll The Woodpile Down [Ukrainian translation]
Десь там геть на півдні, де каркають півні Ген там, де ФлОрида Під банджа бреньк дівки гопки раденькі Ми підкотимо колод Котим! Котим! Світом покотимо...
Roll The Woodpile Down [Ukrainian translation]
Де бреше пес на Південний Хрест (Гей!) Ген там, де ФлОрида Старого Джо там бриньчить банджо Ми підрулим на плотах (Га!) Рулим! Рулим! Рулимо по світах...
Amsterdam lyrics
Johnny was an Englishman, from Derbyshire was he He had a wife so beautiful, had children one to three He loved them all so dearly, as only Johnny cou...
Black Letters lyrics
He was just 18 When he saw her smiling face As she danced along the streets of Montreal And in 1916 She gave her hand for him to hold In the church be...
Black Letters [Hungarian translation]
Csak 18 volt Amikor látta a lány mosolygó arcát Ahogy végigtáncolt Montreal utcáin Majd 1916-ban Kezét kezébe adta A város ősi falai alatt a templomba...
Gintlemen's Club lyrics
Along the lanes of London city Drury Lane, here we go again We convene this fine committee Drury Lane, here we go again Me sons and daughters The juni...
Gintlemen's Club [Spanish translation]
A lo largo de las vías de Londres Drury Lane, aquí vamos de nuevo Convocamos este fino comité Drury Lane, aquí vamos de nuevo Yo, hijos e hijas El jun...
Grace O'Malley lyrics
I remember one September Taking arms up to the crown Beaten up and broken down And the maid that Connaught gave us Who could save us from our shame Gr...
Katie, Bar The Door lyrics
Katie, bar the door, the Devil's here again He's looking for a saviour, he's looking for a friend The Devil drinks in places you and I have never been...
Paddy Lay Back lyrics
Twas a cold an' dreary mornin' in December (December) Well, all of me money it was spent (spent, spent) Where it went to, Lord, I barely can't remembe...
Polka Never Dies lyrics
Your eyes were filled with stars So you picked up a guitar And how the people gave The attention that you crave Tonight, the stage is yours But the wo...
Polka Never Dies [German translation]
Deine Augen haben dieses funkeln der Sterne Also hast du dir eine Gitarre geschnappt Und sobald die Leute heute Abend dir die Beachtung schenkten nach...
Polka Never Dies [Spanish translation]
Tus ojos se llenaron de estrellas Así que tomaste una guitarra Y ¡cómo la gente te dio La atención que ansiabas! Esta noche el escenario es tuyo Pero ...
Polka Never Dies [Turkish translation]
Gözlerin yıldızlarla doluydu Bu yüzden de bir gitar aldın Ve böylece insanlar Sana ihtiyacın olan ilgiyi verdi Bu gece, sahne senindir! Ama dünya izle...
Poor Michael lyrics
There were two blackbirds up a tree Hauling up the Arras line! Says one of them, What do I see? Up the line Up the line! What's fallen down into the s...
Shiloh lyrics
Oh Shiloh, here's mud in your eye (haulin' away from Shiloh Town) Get one last long look 'fore you say your goodbyes (and we're haulin' away from Shil...
Sleep Is For The Weak lyrics
Picking up the pieces of the day And casting them away Walk into the town below And lay it all so low Waltzing with Paulina Waltzing with Paulina Now ...
Sleep Is For The Weak [Spanish translation]
Recogiendo los restos del día y desechándolos. Baja a la ciudad y ocúltalo muy bien. Bailando un vals con Paulina, bailando un vals con Paulina. Ahora...
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