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Ella Fitzgerald lyrics
Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead lyrics
Once there was a wicked witch in the lovely land of Oz And a wickeder, wickeder, wickeder witch there never, never was She filled the folks in Munchki...
Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead [Croatian translation]
Jednom je bila zločesta vještica u ljupkoj zemlji Oz I zločestije, zločestije, zločestije vještice nikad, nikad nije bilo Napunila je stanovnike u Mun...
Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead [Hungarian translation]
Egyszer volt egy boszorkány Oz mesés földjén És ennél gonoszabb, gonoszabb, gonoszabb boszi még sosem volt Megtöltötte a Munchkin földi embereket terr...
Do I Love You? lyrics
Do i love you do i? Doesn't one and one make two? Do i love you do i? Does july need a sky of blue? Would i miss you, would i, if you ever should go a...
Don't Be That Way lyrics
April skies are in your eyes But darling, don't be blue Don't cry, Oh honey please Don't be that way Clouds in the sky Should never make you feel that...
Ella Fitzgerald - Don't Cry, Cry Baby
Don't cry, cry baby, You've got no reason to cry. Don't cry, cry baby, I never told you a lie! Someone said we were through And you believed it could ...
Ella Fitzgerald - Don't Fence Me In
Wildcat kelley, lookin' mighty pale Was standin' by the sherrif's side And when the sherrif said "I'm sendin you to jail Wildcat raised his head and c...
Don't You Think I Ought to Know lyrics
What they're saying, is it true That your love is burning low? If you've found somebody new, Don't you think I ought to know? Dining at the club alone...
Dream a Little Dream of Me lyrics
Stars shining bright above you, Night breezes seem to whisper “I love you.” Birds singing in the sycamore tree. Dream a little dream of me. Say nighty...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [Croatian translation]
Zvijezde sjaju iznad tebe. Noćni lahor ko' da šapće, "Volim te" Ptice pjevaju u stablima javora. Sanjaj mali san o meni. Reci laku noć i poljubi me. S...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [Finnish translation]
Tähdet loistavat kirkkaana yläpuolellasi Yön tuulahdus näyttää kuiskaavan "rakastan sinua" Linnut laulavat vuorivaahterassa Uneksi pieni haave minusta...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [French translation]
Les étoiles brillent au-dessus de toi, la brise nocturne semble murmurer « Je t'aime » les oiseaux chantent dans le platane. Et si tu rêvais un peu de...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [French translation]
Des étoiles brillent au-dessus de toi. des brises de la nuit semblent te chuchoter, "je t'aime", des oiseaux chantent dans les sycomores rêvent un de ...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [French translation]
Des étoiles brillent au-dessus de toi. des brises de la nuit semblent te chuchoter, "je t'aime", des oiseaux chantent dans les sycomores rêve un petit...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [German translation]
Sterne leuchten hell über dir, Nachtwinde scheinen zu flüstern "Ich liebe dich". Vögel singen in der Sykomore, Träum einen kleinen Traum von mir. Sag ...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [German translation]
Sterne scheinen hell über dir, ein Nachtlüftchen scheint dir zuzuflüstern "Ich liebe dich", Vögel singen in den Platanen* Träume einen kleinen Traum v...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [Greek translation]
Σε φέγγουν άστρα απ'τον ουρανό της βραδιάς η αύρα λέει "σ' αγαπώ" πουλιά κελαηδούν στις πλατανιές λίγ' όνειρο για μένα δες Για καληνύχτα φίλησέ με πες...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [Greek translation]
Πάνωθέ σου, τ'άστρα φεγγοβολάνε ψυθυρίζει "σ'αγαπώ",της νύχτας τ'αεράκι Στο πλατάνι τα πουλιά κελαηδάνε ονειρεύσου με, καλέ, κι εμέ λιγάκι. Καληνυχτού...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [Hebrew translation]
הכוכבים זורחים בבהירות מעליך, נדמה שבריזת הלילה אומרת "אני אוהבת אותך" ציפורים שרות על עץ הצפצפה, חלום חלום קטן עליי. הגד לי לילה טוב ונשק אותי, פשוט ...
Dream a Little Dream of Me [Hungarian translation]
A csillagok fényesen csillognak feletted Az esti szél mintha azt suttogná, 'Szeretlek' Madarak énekelnek a platánfán Álmodj egy kis álmot rólam Kívánj...
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