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Yohanna lyrics
The Winner Takes It All lyrics
I don’t wanna talk About the things we've gone through Though it’s hurting me Now it’s history I've played all my cards And that's what you've done to...
The Winner Takes It All [French translation]
Je ne veux pas parler Des choses que nous avons traversées Si elles me font du mal Maintenant c'est du passé J'ai joué toutes mes cartes Et c'est ce q...
The Winner Takes It All [German translation]
Ich will nicht reden Über die Dinge, durch die wir gegangen sind Obwohl es mich schmerzt Jetzt ist es Geschichte Ich habe all meine Karten gespielt Un...
The Winner Takes It All [Persian translation]
نمی خواهم در مورد چیزهایی که بین ما گذشته صحبتی کنم گرچه هنوز آزارم می دهد ولی اکنون دیگر به تاریخ پیوسته من دیگر همه کارت هایم را بازی کرده ام و این ...
The Winner Takes It All [Spanish translation]
No quiero hablar de las cosas por las que hemos pasado. Aunque me está lastimando, ahora es historia. Jugué todas mis cartas, y eso mismo hiciste tú. ...
The Winner Takes It All [Turkish translation]
Konuşmak istemiyorum Attığımız şeyler hakkında Acıtıyor olmasına rağmen Şimdi geçmiş Tüm kartlarımı oynadım Ve bu senin ne yaptığın Söylenecek başka b...
You Must Love Me
Where do we go from here? This isn't where we intended to be We had it all, you believed in me I believed in you Certainties disappear What do we do f...
Beautiful Silence lyrics
Don't feel the spaces Just close your eyes Don't make me lose this high It's not my intention to close you down And wide open spaces We can walk for m...
Beautiful Silence [Spanish translation]
No sientas los espacios, Sólo cierra tus ojos No me hagas perder la emoción No es mi intención desilusionarte Y andar separados Podemos caminar por me...
Butterflies and Elvis lyrics
To answer your question I heard the music Sweet sweet music If you know what I mean And it's so amazing To find the river That's been flowing Right un...
Butterflies and Elvis [Spanish translation]
Para responder a tu pregunta Escuché la música Dulce dulce música Si sabes a lo que me refiero Y es tan increíble Para encontrar el río Eso ha estado ...
Ég hlakka svo til  lyrics
Bið, endalaus bið Sem bara styttist eitt nú Nú er hver dagur svo lengi að líða Mér leiðist skelfing að þurfa að bíða Langt, dæmalaust langt Er sérhver...
Ég hlakka svo til  [English translation]
Bið, endalaus bið Sem bara styttist eitt nú Nú er hver dagur svo lengi að líða Mér leiðist skelfing að þurfa að bíða Langt, dæmalaust langt Er sérhver...
I miss you lyrics
Where do i begin, to sing a love song It started with a kiss, That set my soul on fire Leading up to the day you left and made me cry How can i forget...
I miss you [French translation]
D'où est-ce que je commences, à chanter une chanson d'amour Ça commence avec un baiser Cela met mon âmes sur le feu Menant au jour où tu m'as quitté e...
I miss you [German translation]
Wo soll ich beginnen, ein Liebeslied zu singen Es fing an mit einem Kuss Der meine Seele in Flammen gesetzt hat Wie könnte ich es vergessen, wie du mi...
I miss you [Icelandic translation]
Hvar byrja ég, að syngja ástarsöng? Þetta byrjaði með kossi, Það kveikti í sál minni. Aðdragandi daginn sem þú fórst og fékk mig til að gráta. Hvernig...
I miss you [Turkish translation]
Nereden başlayayım, bir aşk şarkısını söylemeye Bir öpücükle başladı Bu ruhumu ateşe verdi Beni terk ettiğin ve ağlattığın günü devam ettiriyorum Nası...
Indian Ropetrick lyrics
Some dig my situation They push me pull my volume down Bone-dry umbrella inside out I feel my head is breaking Untwist me hang me upside down Don't le...
Indian Ropetrick [Spanish translation]
Algo terminó de cavar mi tumba Ellos me empujarón a esto y me depremieron Dejándome completamente seca por dentro. Siento que mi cabeza esta dando vue...
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