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Beatsteaks lyrics
I Don't Care As Long As You Sing lyrics
I don’t care as long as you sing And I don't care as long as you sing And I don't care as long as we swing And I don't care as long as you sing I get ...
I Don't Care As Long As You Sing [French translation]
ça m'est égal tant que tu chantes ça m'est égal tant que tu chantes ça m'est égal tant que tu swingues ça m'est égal tant que tu chantes Je fais tout ...
Jane Became Insane lyrics
jane became insane she's a high class fellow there's something about her that you don't understand she's got me revved up and ready to go she's got ev...
Jane Became Insane [Czech translation]
Jane se zbláznila Je prvotřídní člověk Je na ní něco, čemu nebudete rozumět Je stále připravena jít A má vše pod kontrolou . Koukej na ni jak se začín...
Jane Became Insane [French translation]
Jane est devenue folle c'est une personne d'une classe huppée Il y a quelquechose en elle d'imperceptible Elle m'a passé en revue et je suis prêt à pa...
Job lyrics
I gotta move but I'm hanging on I gotta move 'cause you bring me down I cannot have you around I gotta go gotta let me out I gotta beg and I ain't too...
Marmelade und Himbeereis lyrics
Marmelade und Himbeereis Am Strand in Italien, es ist so heiß Und plötzlich nimmst du meine Hand Ziehst du mich zu dir hin Und sagst mit zittriger Sti...
Marmelade und Himbeereis [English translation]
Jam and raspberry icecream At the beach in Italy , it is so hot And suddenly you grab my hand You pull me towards you And say in a shaky voice "Take m...
Summer lyrics
We burned the summer down There's dust when we're around It's done this afternoon We came right back from moon We paint the town red To see what we wi...
Summer [Czech translation]
Hořeli jsme v letním prachu Je tam prach, který je kolem nás To se událo dnes odpoledne Zrovna když jsme přišli zpátky z Měsíce. Roztočíme to Uvidíte ...
Summer [French translation]
Nous avons brûlé l'été, Il y a de la poussière lorsque nous sommes là C'est terminé cet après-midi, Nous sommes revenus de la lune Nous peignons de ro...
Summertime lyrics
In the summertime I sit around and watch the days go by In the summertime Welcome to my life I lost the ones I loved and I will lose my mind In the su...
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