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Sex Pistols lyrics
No One Is Innocent [Spanish translation]
Dios salve a los Sex Pistols Son un grupo de tíos saludables Ellos simplemente les gusta usar ropa sucia Y intercambiar chistes sucios Dios salve a la...
Pretty Vacant lyrics
There's no point in asking, you'll get no reply Oh just remember I don't decide I got no reason it's all too much You'll always find us out to lunch O...
Pretty Vacant [Czech translation]
Není proč se ptát, stejně nedostanete odpověď Jen si pamatujte, že o tom nerozhoduji Nemám žádný důvod, je toho přespříliš Vždy nás najdete někde na o...
Pretty Vacant [Greek translation]
Δεν έχει νόημα να ρωτήσεις, απάντηση δε θα πάρεις Α απλά θυμήσου ότι δεν αποφασίζω εγώ Δεν έχω λόγο είναι πάρα πολλά όλα αυτά Μπορείς πάντα να μας βρε...
Pretty Vacant [Serbian translation]
Nema svrhe u postavljanju pitanja, vi necete dobiti odgovor Oh, samo se setite da ja ne odlucujem Nemam ni razlog, svega mi je preko glave Naci cete n...
Pretty Vacant [Turkish translation]
Boşa soru sorma, yanıt alamayacaksın Sadece bilin ki kararları ben vermiyorum Bi sebebi yok bu kadarı çok fazla Bizi öğle yemeğinde bulabilirsin Biz o...
Pretty Vacant [Turkish translation]
Sormanın bir anlamı yok, cevap almayacaksın Ah hatırladım ben karar vermem Hiçbir sebebim yok bunlar çok fazla Bizi her zaman dikkatimizi vermemiş bul...
Problems lyrics
Too many problems Oh why am i here I don't need to be me 'cos you're all too clear Well i can see There's something wrong with you But what do you exp...
Problems [Greek translation]
Υπερβολικά προβλήματα Αχ γιατί ειμαι εδώ; Δε χρειάζομαι να είμαι ο εαυτός μου Διοτί είστε όλοι τόσο ξεκάθαροι Λοιπόν μπορώ να δω Κάτι πάει λάθος μαζί ...
Problems [Hungarian translation]
Túl sok a gond, óh, miért vagyok itt? Nincs szükség arra, hogy önmagam legyek, mert ti oly tiszták vagytok. Hát, látom, valami nem oké veled. De mit v...
Problems [Italian translation]
Troppi problemi Perchè sono qui? Non devo essere me stesso Perchè tu sei già fin troppo chiaro Beh, vedo Che c'è qualcosa che non va in te Ma cosa ti ...
Seventeen lyrics
The Sex Pistols You're only twenty-nine Got a lot to learn But when your mummy dies She will not return We like noise, it's our choice It's what we wa...
Seventeen [Greek translation]
Είσαι μονάχα 29 ετών έχεις πολλά να μάθεις Αλλά όταν η μαμά σου πεθάνει Αυτή δεν θα επιστρέψει Μας αρέσει ο θόρυβος,είναι η επιλογή μας Είναι αυτό που...
Seventeen [Serbian translation]
Seks pistols Vas je samo dvadeset devet Imaš mnogo toga da naučiš Ali kad ti mamica umre Neće se više vraćati Mi volimo buku,to je naš izbor To je ono...
Silly Thing lyrics
[Verse 1] What you see, you can get Nothing's free, nothing's said Don't be fooled by the signs Don't read in between the lines [Chorus 1] What you're...
Submission lyrics
I'm on a submarine mission for you baby I feel the way you were going I picked you up on my TV screen I feel your undercurrent flowing Sub mission Goi...
Submission [Greek translation]
Είμαι σε υποβρύχια αποστολή για σένα μωρό μου Νιώθω τον τρόπο που πήγαινες Σε σήκωσα πάνω στην οθόνη της τηλεόρασης μου Νιώθω το υπόγειο ρεύμα σου Υπο...
Submission [Italian translation]
Io sono in una missione sottomarina per te, baby Sento la strada che stavi percorrendo Ti ho preso sul mio schermo TV Sento la tua corrente sotterrane...
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