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Poets of the Fall lyrics
15 min Flame lyrics
The reaper's kneeling at your field taking in what you've sown Can't help feeling apprehension No point in waiting, for a rating for what you have gro...
15 min Flame [Russian translation]
Смерть пожинает всё, что ты посеял Я не в силах сдержать мрачные предчувствия Нет смысла ждать плодов своего труда Если рейтинг - это всё, что тебя ин...
15 min Flame [Turkish translation]
Azrail tarlanda ektiğin şeyi alarak diz çöküyor Endişeli hissetmeye engel olamıyorum Beklemenin anlamı yok, neye dönüştüğünü oylamak için Sıvı teselli...
3 AM lyrics
More than you know it I'm aware Of this connection that we share I know it seems like sometimes I don't care But you are the colors that I wear It's b...
3 AM [Hungarian translation]
Óvatosabb vagyok, mint hinnéd Ezzel a kapcsolattal, amit megosztunk egymással Igen tudom, néha úgy tűnik nem is érdekel, De te vagy a szín, amit visel...
3 AM [Italian translation]
Sono più consapevole di quanto tu creda Di questa connessione che ci lega So che a volte sembra che non mi importi Ma la tua vera natura si rispecchia...
3 AM [Russian translation]
Я дорожу нашими отношениями Больше, чем ты думаешь Да, порой я кажусь беспечным Но я предан только тебе Это длилось так долго, почти до рассвета Ты бы...
All the Way / 4U lyrics
Seems to matter what I do, so I'm saving this 4 U Cos it seems to be the last piece there is And you haven't had a chance yet to taste this Fragments ...
All the Way / 4U [French translation]
Ce que je fais à l'air d'importer, alors je garde ça pour toi Parce que ça à l'air d'être la dernière pièce qu'il y ai Et tu n'a pas encore eu la chan...
All the Way / 4U [Russian translation]
Кажется, мои поступки имеют значение Поэтому я отдам тебе всё, что у меня есть Ведь ты не имела возможности насладиться Моментами жизни, которые не ст...
All the Way / 4U [Serbian translation]
Izgleda da znaci, to sto radim, zato cuvam ovo za tebe jer mi se cini da je ovo zadnji deo koji postoji i ti jos nisi imao priliku da probas ovo, frag...
Balance Slays the Demon lyrics
Speech: Deep in the ocean of darkness In the mirror of light Balance becomes a stranger And in your fantasies he writes a storm on your peace Beyond t...
Balance Slays the Demon [French translation]
Speech: Deep in the ocean of darkness In the mirror of light Balance becomes a stranger And in your fantasies he writes a storm on your peace Beyond t...
Balance Slays the Demon [Polish translation]
Speech: Deep in the ocean of darkness In the mirror of light Balance becomes a stranger And in your fantasies he writes a storm on your peace Beyond t...
Balance Slays the Demon [Russian translation]
Speech: Deep in the ocean of darkness In the mirror of light Balance becomes a stranger And in your fantasies he writes a storm on your peace Beyond t...
Beautiful Ones lyrics
Flies with a broken wing, she's ever so graceful, so like an angel, but I see, tears flow quietly. The struggle she's seen this spring, when nothing c...
Beautiful Ones [French translation]
Même volant avec une aile cassée, elle sera toujours aussi gracieuse, comme un ange, mais je vois des larmes couler doucement Le combat auquel elle a ...
Beautiful Ones [Greek translation]
Πετάει με σπασμένο φτερό, πάντοτε με χάρη, τόσο σαν ένας άγγελος, αλλά εγώ το βλέπω: δάκρυα σιγοτρέχουν Η πάλη που έχει δει (=βιώσει) αυτή την άνοιξη ...
Beautiful Ones [Russian translation]
Летая со сломанным крылом, она всегда так грациозна, как ангел. Но я вижу, как тихо текут слезы. Борьба, за которой она наблюдала этой весной, когда н...
Brighter Than the Sun lyrics
I'm in way too deep like a poser And falling for the dream's just the ground getting closer I guess it’s how our lives get painted in scars With every...
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