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Belinda lyrics
Es de verdad [Portuguese translation]
Me deixe provar sua ternura Me deixe te entregar o coração Somos diferentes Não me importa se não entendem Me deixe quitar todas as dúvidas Me deixe t...
Esto es amor lyrics
No sé que pasó, no sé si era yo Desde que te vi todo cambió Irónico o no, no creía en el amor Y ahora eres tú mi perdición Dime si esto es amor O sólo...
Esto es amor [Croatian translation]
Ne znam što se dogodilo, ne znam jesam li to bila ja otkad sam te vidjela sve se promijenilo ironično ili ne, nisam vjerovala u ljubav a sada si ti mo...
Esto es amor [English translation]
I don't know happened, I don't know if it was me Ever since I saw you, everything changed Ironically enough, I didn't believe in love And now you're m...
Esto es amor [Hungarian translation]
Nem tudom mi történt, nem tudom hogy én voltam-e Amióta megláttalak, minden megváltozott Ironikus vagy sem, nem hittem a szerelemben És most te vagy a...
Fuerte lyrics
Siento un poder especial Poco a poco ya lo empiezo a sentir Es que yo no se que será Pero es algo que me hace seguir Todo es realidad Cuando tú estás ...
Fuerte [Croatian translation]
Osjećam posebnu moć malo po malo počinjem je osjećati ne znam što će se dogoditi ali to je nešto što me potiče da nastavim Sve je stvarnost kada si ov...
Fuerte [English translation]
I feel a special power Little by little, I start to feel it I don't know what is it But is something that make me keep on Everything is reality When y...
Gaia lyrics
Hola planeta ¿cómo estás? Hoy pienso en ti con humildad No puedes seguir tan invisible, Me lo das todo y aún más, Te juro te voy a cuidar, Eres en mi ...
Gaia [Croatian translation]
Zdravo, pleneto, kako si mislim na tebe sa žaljenjem ne možeš i dalje biti tako nevidljiva daješ mi sve i još i više kunem se da ću paziti na tebe u m...
Gaia [English translation]
Hello Earth, how are you? Today I humbly think about you You can't continue on so invisibly, You give me everything and more, I swear to you that I wi...
Gaia [English translation]
Hello, planet, how are you? Today I humbly think of you You can’t go on being so invisible You give me all I need and more I swear I will take care of...
Gaia [Portuguese translation]
Olá planeta como você está? Hoje penso em você com humanidade Não podes seguir tão invisível Você me dar tudo e mais Te juro vou cuidar de você Você é...
Good... Good lyrics
Eres mi good, good Sabes muy bien que tu mirada me puede enloquecer Y sabes también que nuestro amor es Como un juego de ajedrez Puedes ganar o puedes...
Good... Good [Croatian translation]
Meni si dobar, dobar Vrlo dobro znaš da me tvoj pogled može izluditi i također znaš da je naša ljubav poput šahovske igre možeš pobijediti ili možeš i...
Good... Good [English translation]
You are my good, good You know well that your glance makes me crazy And you know as well that our love Is like a game of chess You can win or lose And...
If We Were lyrics
Maybe I'll treat you better Maybe I'll be your friend Maybe I'll wear your sweater Maybe I'll find some time To go shopping And buy you nicer clothes ...
If We Were [Croatian translation]
Možda ću bolje postupati s tobom možda ću biti tvoja prijateljica možda ću obući tvoju vestu možda ću naći nešto vremena da odem u kupovinu i kupim ti...
If We Were [Hungarian translation]
Talán jobban foglak kezelni téged Talán én leszek a barátod Talán hordani fogom a pulóvered Talán találni fogok egy kis időt Hogy elmenjek vásárolni É...
If We Were [Italian translation]
Magari ti tratterò meglio Magari sarò tua amica Magari mi metterò il tuo maglione Magari mi ritaglierò un po' di tempo Per andare a fare shopping E co...
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