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Lady A lyrics
Things People Say lyrics
There I was at the bus stop beggin' you just to stay Can we work this out, baby we can work this out A dust trail from a Greyhound headed for the West...
Things People Say [Greek translation]
Εκεί ήμουν στην αφετηρία της στάσης του λεωφορίου,εσύ απλα έμεινες Μπορούμε να το ξεπεράσουμε(; ),μωρό μου μπορούμε να το ξεπεράσουμε ένα ίχνος σκόνης...
Wanted You More lyrics

Lyrics removed on request of copyright owners

We Owned The Night lyrics
Tell me, have you ever wanted Someone so much it hurts? Your lips keep trying to speak But you just can’t find the words Well, I had this dream once I...
We Owned The Night [Hungarian translation]
Mondd, akartál valaha Valakit annyira, hogy szinte fájt? Az ajkaid próbálnak beszélni, De nem találod a szavakat. Nos, egyszer volt egy ilyen álmom, A...
We Owned The Night [Portuguese translation]
Me diga, alguma vez você desejou alguém tanto a ponto de doer? Seus lábios continuam tentando falar Mas você simplesmente não consegue achar as palavr...
We Owned The Night [Serbian translation]
Reci mi,da li si ikada želela nešto Toliko mnogo da te boli Tvoje usne pokušavaju da progovore Ali jednostavno ne možeš da pronadješ prave reči Dakle,...
We Owned The Night [Spanish translation]
Dime, ¿alguna vez has querido tanto a alguien que duele? Tus labios siguen intentando hablar pero simplemente no encuentras las palabras. Bueno, yo tu...
We Owned The Night [Swedish translation]
Berätta, har du någon gång velat Ha någon så mycket att det gör ont? Dina läppar försöker tala Men du hittar inte orden Nåväl, jag hade en dröm en gån...
What A Song Can Do lyrics
Makes you wanna take a Sunday drive Throws you right back to a different time Puts your lighter up Singing loud and out of tune It puts a little sound...
What I'm Leaving For lyrics
Keep those lights on Toys on the front lawn Disney World trip next summer Used kit for our little air drummer Food on the table Brand-new cradle For t...
What if I Never Get Over You lyrics
It's supposed to hurt, it's a broken heart But to movin' on is the hardest part It comes in waves, the letting go But the memory fades, everybody know...
What if I Never Get Over You [Chinese translation]
是應該痛的 畢竟心也碎了 但最難的就是學會向前走 放下一個人的過程時好時壞 但大家都明白 記憶總有一天會逝去 大家都明白 要是我試着忘記 卻一閉上雙眼 就會回到那一刻 迷失於最後那一聲再見呢? 要是時間不像預期的治癒一切呢? 要是我永遠都不能放下你呢? 也許過了幾個月 過了幾年 我會遇到新的人 一切...
What if I Never Get Over You [Italian translation]
Deve far male, è un cuore spezzato Ma andare avanti è la parte più difficile Lasciarti andare arriva ad ondate Ma i ricordi sbiadiscono, tutti lo sann...
What if I Never Get Over You [Persian translation]
باید درد آور باشه ،بالاخره این یه قلب شکسته ست اما سخت ترین قسمتش فراموش کردن و ادامه دادنه رها کردن خیلی سریع اتفاق می افته اما خاطره ها کم رنگ می شن...
What if I Never Get Over You [Romanian translation]
Se presupune că doare, este o inimă ruptă Dar să mergi mai departe este cea mai grea parte Vine în valuri, uitarea Dar amintirea păleşte, fiecare ştie...
What if I Never Get Over You [Russian translation]
Это и должно быть больно, это разбитое сердце Но жить дальше - самая трудная часть Это проходит волнами - отпускать Но воспоминания блекнут, все знают...
What if I Never Get Over You [Spanish translation]
Se supone que debe doler, es un corazón roto pero el superarlo es la parte más difícil. Viene en olas, el dejar ir, pero el recuerdo se desvanece; tod...
What if I Never Get Over You [Thai translation]
มันควรจะเจ็บ มันคือหัวใจที่แตกสลาย แต่การก้าวเดินต่อไปเป็นส่วนที่ยากที่สุด มันมาอย่างรวดเร็วมาก การต้องปล่อยไปน่ะ แต่ความทรงจำหายไป ทุกคนรู้ ใครๆก็รู้...
When You Got A Good Thing lyrics
Everybody keeps telling me I'm such a lucky man Lookin at you standin there I know I am Barefooted beauty with eyes that blue The sun shine sure looks...
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