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Norah Jones lyrics
I Wouldn't Need You lyrics
If I touched myself the way you touch me If I could hold myself the way you held me Then I wouldn't need you No, I wouldn't need you No, I wouldn't ne...
I Wouldn't Need You [French translation]
Si je me touchais de la façon dont tu me touches, Si je pouvais me serrer dans mes propres bras comme tu le fais, Alors je n'aurais pas besoin de toi ...
I Wouldn't Need You [Portuguese translation]
Se eu me tocasse como você me toca se eu pudesse me abraçar como você me abraçava então eu não precisaria não, eu não precisaria que você me amasse se...
I Wouldn't Need You [Spanish translation]
Si pudiera tocarme de la manera en que tú me tocas Si pudiera abrazarme de la manera en que tú me abrazas No, no te necesitaría No, no te necesitaría ...
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight lyrics
Close your eyes, close the door You don't have to worry any more Cause I'll be your baby tonight Shut the lights and shut the shade You don't have to ...
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight [Romanian translation]
Închide ochii, închide uşa, n-ai de ce să te mai temi, că voi fi iubirea ta diseară... Stinge luminile şi stinge umbra n-ai de ce să te înspăimânţi, c...
I'm Alive lyrics
Just sit, and wait Don't move, just hesitate You can hope, and pray You can moan Maybe things will change You feel your soul Get hollowed out While th...
I've Got to See You Again lyrics
Lines on your face Don't bother me Down in my chair When you dance over me I can't help myself I've got to see you again Late in the night When I'm al...
I've Got to See You Again [Croatian translation]
Linije na tvom licu ne smetaju me. Dolje u mojoj stolici dok plešeš iznad mene.. Ne mogu si pomoći, moram te vidjeti ponovno. Kasno u noći, kada sam p...
I've Got to See You Again [Dutch translation]
Lijnen op je gezicht Storen me niet In mijn stoel Wanneer je over me danst Ik kan er niets aan doen Ik moet je weer zien Laat in de nacht Wanneer ik h...
I've Got to See You Again [French translation]
Les lignes sur ta visage Ne m'ennuient pas Là dans mon siège Quand tu danses au-dessus de moi Je ne peux pas m'empêcher J'ai besoin de te revoir Tard ...
I've Got to See You Again [Italian translation]
Le righe sulla tua faccia Non mi disturbano Nella mia sedia Quando balli sopra di me Non posso fare altro Ti devo rivedere Tardi nella notte Quando so...
I've Got to See You Again [Polish translation]
Rysy na twej twarzy Są niczym dla mnie Wsunięty głeboko w fotel Gdy tańczysz nade mną Nie mogę powstrzymać się Muszę zobaczyć Cię znowu Późno w nocy G...
I've Got to See You Again [Romanian translation]
Ridurile de pe faţa ta nu mă deranjează pe scaunul meu când dansezi deasupra mea... N-am ce face; trebuie să te revăd Noaptea, târziu când sunt singur...
I've Got to See You Again [Spanish translation]
Las líneas en tu rostro No me molestan Abajo en mi silla Cuando bailas a mi alrededor No puedo evitarlo Tengo que verte de nuevo Tarde en la noche Cua...
In the Morning lyrics
I can't stop myself from calling Calling out your name I can't stop myself from falling Falling back again In the morning Baby, in the afternoon Dark ...
In the Morning [Spanish translation]
No puedo detenerme llamar Llamar tu nombre No puedo detenerme de caer Caer de nuevo En la mañana Baby, por la tarde Oscuro como los rincones sombreado...
It Was You lyrics
[Verse 1] Enter the nights all remains Make me get up off my feet Take the beat out of my heart Now the people might believe [Chorus] And I knew, and ...
It's a Wonderful Time for Love lyrics
It's a wonderful time for love It's a wonderful time for love The sun shines down from above It's a wonderful time for love And you think you have all...
It's a Wonderful Time for Love [French translation]
C'est un temps merveilleux pour l'amour C'est un temps merveilleux pour l'amour Le soleil brille de là-haut C'est un temps merveilleux pour l'amour Et...
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