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Turisas lyrics
Miklagard Overture [Turkish translation]
Uzunca süzüldüm bir rotadan yoksun Dümensiz bir gemiyle yelken açtım Nil akmaya devam ediyor kaynaksız Belki sadece tüm arayıcılar başarısız oldu? Hol...
No Good Story Ever Starts With Drinking Tea lyrics
Wine flowed in ashtrays, Mea Culpa we cried, Till the Balkan mob, Took us for a ride. He was stripped by force, 60 miles per hour, Out the window thro...
One More lyrics
Gathered round the wooden table Same tavern as the nights before I brace myself against the gable Sunlight pushes its way through the gap in the door ...
Piece by Piece lyrics
(Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace) Piece by piece - slice by slice. A strainless leash - Das Volk enticed- The boiling frog that ...
Prologue For R.R.R. lyrics
As you sit in your quiet home, surrounded by peace, comfort and civilization... Do you, listener, remember those memories... Grand and tearful, which ...
Rex Regi Rebellis lyrics
Cold autumn rain, fields new-plowed A sludgy bane, far from home The time has come, our troops march on A silent hum, a cheerful song Den snöiga nord ...
Rex Regi Rebellis [English translation]
Cold autumn rain, fields new-plowed A sludgy bane, far from home The time has come, our troops march on A silent hum, a cheerful song The snowy north ...
Run Bhang-Eater, Run! lyrics
Two lefts and a right Stay out of sight It's been quite a night Now run Bhang-Eater, run! Run through the goldsmiths' great hall Past all the rugs alo...
Sahti Waari lyrics
Nyt täyttyy mahlainen malja Tuoppeihin virtaa sahti ja kalja Uusi polvi kun päätänsä nostaa Vanha tapa ei kuole koskaan Murtumaan ei kristityn miekkak...
Sahti Waari [English translation]
Now fills the wooden goblet homebrew beer flowing in pints As the new generation lift theyre heads the old habits never die Even Christian swords cant...
Sahti Waari [Portuguese translation]
Agora a vitória foi consumada Merecemos comemorar nossa bravura Mesmo que estivéssemos caídos de joelhos Não nos renderíamos a morte jamais O aguilhão...
Sahti Waari [Turkish translation]
Şimdi ahşap kadehi dolduruyor Ev yapımı bira büyük bardaklarda akıyor Yeni nesil başını kaldırdığı esnada Eski alışkanlıklar asla ölmez Hıristiyan kıl...
Stand up and fight lyrics
The pouring rain, Sticks my hair to my face, An empty gaze is all I have left, The stars that once lit my way have dimmed, The sky turned grey, The pa...
Stand up and fight [Greek translation]
Η καταρρακτώδης βροχή Κολλάει τα μαλλιά μου στο πρόσωπο, Ένα άδειο βλέμμα είναι το μόνο που άφησα, Τα αστέρια που κάποτε φώτιζαν τον δρόμο μου έσβησαν...
Stand up and fight [Italian translation]
La pioggia scrosciante mi attacca i capelli alla testa, Uno sguardo vuoto è tutto ciò che ho lasciato Le stelle che una volta illuminavano il mio camm...
Stand up and fight [Portuguese translation]
A chuva torrencial Cola meu cabelo ao meu rosto, Um olhar vazio é tudo o que me restou, As estrelas que um dia iluminaram meu caminho esmaeceram, O cé...
Stand up and fight [Romanian translation]
Ploaia picurând Îmi lipește părul de chip, O privirea goală e tot ce mi-a rămas. Stelele care odată îmi luminau calea s-au umbrit, Cerul a devenit gri...
Stand up and fight [Turkish translation]
Yağmur yağarken, Saçlarımı yüzüme yapıştırıyor. Geride bıraktığım tek şey boş bir bakış. Bir keresinde yolumu aydınlatan yıldızlar Bu defa kararttı. G...
Take the Day lyrics
Long is the hour for the waiting man The frontline is to be ours, awaiting the command Some sit silently on the floor, bemused and empty-gazed I go th...
Who will be there when the skies turn gray? Turisas - You can count on us! Who's gonna push you through heavy days? Turisas - Rugged and robust! The n...
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