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Howard Shore featuring lyrics
The Nazgûl [English translation]
Bârî’n Katharâd îdô Nidir nênâkham Nêpâm [nêd a]bârat-aglar. Tinúviel elvanui Elleth alfirin edhelhael O hon ring finnil fuinui A renc gelebrin thilio...
The Nazgûl [Turkish translation]
Bârî’n Katharâd îdô Nidir nênâkham Nêpâm [nêd a]bârat-aglar. Tinúviel elvanui Elleth alfirin edhelhael O hon ring finnil fuinui A renc gelebrin thilio...
The Nazgûl Attack
Hwær cwóm helm Hwær cwóm byrn(e) Hwær cwóm feax flówende Hwær cwóm helm Hwær cwóm byrn(e) Hwær cwóm feax flówende Hwær cwóm hand on hearpestrenge Hwær...
The Pass of Caradhras lyrics

I tuo, i macil

[A]staldoron mauri

nai [Corma macilya]

[Á lelyat] túren[na] !

The Pass of Caradhras [Chinese translation]

I tuo, i macil

[A]staldoron mauri

nai [Corma macilya]

[Á lelyat] túren[na] !

The Pass of Caradhras [English translation]

I tuo, i macil

[A]staldoron mauri

nai [Corma macilya]

[Á lelyat] túren[na] !

The Road Goes Ever On... , Pt. 2 / "In Dreams" [feat. Edward Ross] lyrics
When the cold of Winter comes Starless night will cover day In the veiling of the sun We will walk in bitter rain But in dreams I can hear your name A...
The Road Goes Ever On... , Pt. 2 / "In Dreams" [feat. Edward Ross] [Chinese translation]
When the cold of Winter comes Starless night will cover day In the veiling of the sun We will walk in bitter rain But in dreams I can hear your name A...
The Road Goes Ever On... , Pt. 2 / "In Dreams" [feat. Edward Ross] [English translation]
When the cold of Winter comes Starless night will cover day In the veiling of the sun We will walk in bitter rain But in dreams I can hear your name A...
The Story Foretold
Nef [aer, sí nef aearon] [A] Elbereth Gil[thoniel] Boe naer [gwannathach, an]nant uich ben-estel Man ammen toltha i dann hen [Amarth] ? [I anann darth...
The Story Foretold [English translation]
Nef [aer, sí nef aearon] [A] Elbereth Gil[thoniel] Boe naer [gwannathach, an]nant uich ben-estel Man ammen toltha i dann hen [Amarth] ? [I anann darth...
The Three Hunters

And on thaere hwile

Héo [dréag] thá losinga

Earla thinga the héo forléas.

The Three Hunters [Chinese translation]

And on thaere hwile

Héo [dréag] thá losinga

Earla thinga the héo forléas.

The Three Hunters [English translation]

And on thaere hwile

Héo [dréag] thá losinga

Earla thinga the héo forléas.

The Three Hunters [Galician translation]

And on thaere hwile

Héo [dréag] thá losinga

Earla thinga the héo forléas.

The Three Hunters [Galician-Portuguese translation]

And on thaere hwile

Héo [dréag] thá losinga

Earla thinga the héo forléas.

The Three Hunters [Portuguese translation]

And on thaere hwile

Héo [dréag] thá losinga

Earla thinga the héo forléas.

The Three Hunters [Spanish translation]

And on thaere hwile

Héo [dréag] thá losinga

Earla thinga the héo forléas.

The White Council lyrics

Ninquë silë misë nár

Nó[na] silmë anda[né].


The White Council [English translation]

Ninquë silë misë nár

Nó[na] silmë anda[né].


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