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Anastacia lyrics
Absolutely Positively lyrics
I've been thinking about it Give some serious thought And I made up my mind And I have decided that I need a little more time to decide We used to be ...
Absolutely Positively [Finnish translation]
Olen ajatellut asiaa Pohtinut vakavissaan Ja tein päätöksen Ja olen päättänyt että tarvitsen vähän lisää aikaa päättää Me olimme ennen onnellisia Raka...
Absolutely Positively [Italian translation]
Ci ho pensato su Pensato seriamente E ho deciso E ho deciso che ho bisogno di un po' più di tempo per decidere Una volta eravamo felici Amavamo l'esse...
All Fall Down lyrics
No one's born in this world without a soul Some will follow every single road trying to find a home But when you're sheltered by the ones you love You...
All Fall Down [Finnish translation]
No one's born in this world without a soul Some will follow every single road trying to find a home But when you're sheltered by the ones you love You...
Apology lyrics
Starting to believe you All the things you've been through I don't even want to Knowing what the truth is Hating what the truth is Scared of what the ...
Apology [Finnish translation]
Alan uskoa sinua Kaikkia niitä asioita jotka olet kokenut En edes halua Tietäen mikä on totuus Vihaten mikä on totuus Peläten mikä on totuus Olet oike...
Baptize My Soul lyrics
You baptise my soul Want the world to know Yes you do You baptise my soul Gotta let it show Take me to the river and deliver me Oooooh ooh I just wann...
Baptize My Soul [Finnish translation]
Kastat sieluni Haluan maailman tietävän Niin teet Kastat sieluni Annan sen näkyä Vie minut joelle ja vapahda minut Oooooh ooh Haluan vain juhlia taas ...
Beautiful Messed Up World lyrics
The world's gettin' worse gettin' worse so they say But I just don't see it Cos I see a miracle everyday When I look in my own fate I'm tired of all t...
Beautiful Messed Up World [Finnish translation]
Maailma pahenee, maailma pahenee, niin sanotaan Mutta minä en vain näe sitä Koska näen ihmeen joka päivä Kun tarkastelen omaa kohtaloani Olen väsynyt ...
Before lyrics
Thinking all night, thinking all day About how I used to be before I'm thinking about her, thinking about me Always going after more But she's gone, I...
Black Hole Sun lyrics
In my eyes, indisposed In disguise as no one knows Hides the face, lies the snake The sun in my disgrace Boiling heat, summer stench 'Neath the black ...
Black Hole Sun [Greek translation]
Μέσα στα μάτια μου, η αδιαθεσία κείται κρυμμένη σε κοινή θέα. Καλύπτεται από το πρόσωπο και κρύβει το φίδι. Ο Ήλιος, αφού με απαξιεί, ανεβάζει τις εντ...
Black Roses lyrics
Whoa, hah Yeah Aha Tell you a story of a love I left behind It was a broken fairy tale I gave up all my pride Let love inside But tore me all apart wh...
Black Roses [Finnish translation]
Whoa, hah Joo Aha Kerron sinulle tarinan rakkaudesta jonka jätin taa Se oli särkynyt satu Luovuin kaikesta ylpeydestäni Päästin rakkauden sisään Mutta...
Boom lyrics
Complicated Understanding what you can achieve Under-rated The one to win One who believes If I go away Would you follow me To that special place of t...
Boomerang lyrics
I've made my share of dumb mistakes And I've had to learn the hard way What comes around goes around I've played with fire enough to know I don't want...
Boomerang [Finnish translation]
Olen tehnyt omat typerät virheeni Ja jouduin oppimaan kantapään kautta Että sitä saa mitä tilaa Olen leikkinyt tulella sen verran, että tiedän etten h...
Boxer lyrics
The boxer in the ring Blocking all of the shots This chaser of a dream Who will never stop G-g-gets up when knocked down Protects you every round Ther...
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