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AURORA lyrics
Churchyard lyrics
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [Chinese translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [Czech translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [French translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [German translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [Greek translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [Italian translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [Portuguese translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [Russian translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [Sicilian translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [Slovak translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [Spanish translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Churchyard [Turkish translation]
He told me I belong in a churchyard He told me I could walk away but I wouldn't get far Tell me how do people know what is hurt, what is love? He told...
Conqueror lyrics
Broken mornings, broken nights and broken days in between Open ground, the sky is open, makes an open sea [Pre-Chorus] Just like in fiction, in every ...
Conqueror [Czech translation]
Zlomená rána, zlomené noci a mezi nimi zlomené dny Otevřená země, nebe je otevřené, spolu tvoří otevřené moře [Předrefrén] Přesně jako ve fikci, jako ...
Conqueror [German translation]
Angebrochene Morgen, angebrochene Nächte und angebrochene Tage zwischendurch Freiland, der Himmel ist frei, erzeugt ein offenes Meer [Hook] Genau wie ...
Conqueror [Italian translation]
Mattine spezzate, notti spezzate e giorni spezzati nel mezzo La terra si divide, il cielo si apre, così come fa il mare [Pre-ritornello] Proprio come ...
Conqueror [Russian translation]
Разбитые зори, разбитые ночи, разбитые дни между ними. Свободная земля, ясное небо, открытое море. Прямо как в романах, в каждой зависимости О, фантаз...
Conqueror [Slovak translation]
Zlomené rána, zlomené noci a pomedzi zlomenédni Otvorená zem, obloha je otvorená, robí otvorené more [Pred- refrén] Presne ako vo fikcii, v každej záv...
Conqueror [Spanish translation]
Mañanas rotas, noches rotas y días rotos en el medio Tierra abierta, el cielo está abierto, hacen un mar abierto [Pre Coro] Justo como en la ficción, ...
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