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AURORA lyrics
All My Demons [Norwegian translation]
I'm growing tired and I'm growing old And the road I walk, I walk alone And I wonder if and I think I might Take a look, take a look on the other side...
All My Demons [Persian translation]
I'm growing tired and I'm growing old And the road I walk, I walk alone And I wonder if and I think I might Take a look, take a look on the other side...
All My Demons [Slovak translation]
I'm growing tired and I'm growing old And the road I walk, I walk alone And I wonder if and I think I might Take a look, take a look on the other side...
All My Demons [Spanish translation]
I'm growing tired and I'm growing old And the road I walk, I walk alone And I wonder if and I think I might Take a look, take a look on the other side...
All My Demons [Turkish translation]
I'm growing tired and I'm growing old And the road I walk, I walk alone And I wonder if and I think I might Take a look, take a look on the other side...
Animal lyrics
You are, the victim The victim of my love I dangle up on rooftops, before I push you off I stand at the headlights, looking for a corner where I can't...
Animal [Chinese translation]
你是,你是那受害者 我爱的受害者 我在屋顶摆悬自如,然后一把将你推落 我驻立在车灯,找寻着角落来匿迹销声 我右眼中的那位女神,注视着斗兽场上的每对恋人 你为爱狩猎,快意杀戮 迷失在一片混凝土丛林 若我孑然,就当我陌路 迷失在一片混凝土丛林 我是一只野兽,野兽 狩猎着一只野兽,野兽 为爱狩猎,快意杀戮...
Animal [Czech translation]
Jsi oběť Oběť mé lásky Nakláním se přes okraj střechy a pak tě z ní shodím Stojím ve světlech blížícího se auta, hledám zákoutí, kde by mě nikdo nenaš...
Animal [French translation]
Tu es la victime La victime de mon amour Je me suspends sur les toits, avant de te pousser Je me trouve sous les phares de voiture, cherchant un coin ...
Animal [German translation]
Du bist das Opfer Das Opfer meiner Liebe Ich häng auf Dachfirsten ab, bevor ich dich herunterschubse Ich stehe im Scheinwerferlicht und suche eine Eck...
Animal [German translation]
Du bist das Opfer Das Opfer meiner Liebe Ich hänge auf Dächern, bevor ich dich runter stoße Ich stehe in den Scheinwerferlichtern und suche nach einer...
Animal [Italian translation]
Tu sei la vittima La vittima del mio amore Pendo dai tetti, prima di spingerti giù Sto in piedi davanti ai fari, cercando un angolo in cui non poter e...
Animal [Polish translation]
Ty jesteś ofiarą ofiarą mojej miłości zwisam z dachu, nim zepchnę cię z niego Stoję pod reflektorem, szukając rogu, w którym mnie nie znajdą z boginką...
Animal [Portuguese translation]
Você é a vítima A vitima do meu amor Balanço-me em telhados, antes de te empurrar da borda Mantenho-me em frente aos faróis, procurando por um canto o...
Animal [Spanish translation]
Tú eres la víctima La víctima de mi amor Cuelgo de los techos, antes de empujarte de uno de ellos Me encuentro frente a los faros, buscando un lugar d...
Animal [Turkish translation]
Sen kurbansın Benim aşkımın kurbanı Seni uzaklaştırmadan önce, çatılarda sallanıyorum Farların önünde durup, bulunamadığım bir köşe arıyorum Sağ gözüm...
Apple Tree lyrics
All of my life I've been hunting I've been a girl, I've been a boy Digging my feet into the ground, like an apple tree Wanted to live with a purpose S...
Apple Tree [Czech translation]
Celý život lovím Byla jsem dívkou, byl jsem chlapcem Bořím se nohama do země jako jabloň Chtěla jsem, aby měl můj život smysl Kůže je slovo, láska nen...
Apple Tree [German translation]
Mein ganzes Leben habe ich etwas nachgejagt Ob ich mich als Mädchen oder Junge fühlte Ich grabe meine Füße in die Erde, gleich einem Apfelbaum Danach ...
Apple Tree [Italian translation]
Per tutta la vita sono stata a caccia Sono stata una ragazza, sono stata un ragazzo Ho piantato i piedi nel terreno, come un melo Volevo la mia vita a...
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