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AURORA lyrics
Gentle Earthquakes [Slovak translation]
How cold the tear can feel on warm skin? So delicate, violently it begins Within this universe I will be lost Moving from rivers to mountain tops Can'...
Gentle Earthquakes [Turkish translation]
How cold the tear can feel on warm skin? So delicate, violently it begins Within this universe I will be lost Moving from rivers to mountain tops Can'...
Giving In To The Love lyrics
I'm losing my connections I'm tired of the rules and your corrections I want to live my life, be all of its pages And underline that I am not an angel...
Giving In To The Love [Chinese translation]
I'm losing my connections I'm tired of the rules and your corrections I want to live my life, be all of its pages And underline that I am not an angel...
Giving In To The Love [Czech translation]
I'm losing my connections I'm tired of the rules and your corrections I want to live my life, be all of its pages And underline that I am not an angel...
Giving In To The Love [German translation]
I'm losing my connections I'm tired of the rules and your corrections I want to live my life, be all of its pages And underline that I am not an angel...
Giving In To The Love [German translation]
I'm losing my connections I'm tired of the rules and your corrections I want to live my life, be all of its pages And underline that I am not an angel...
Giving In To The Love [Slovak translation]
I'm losing my connections I'm tired of the rules and your corrections I want to live my life, be all of its pages And underline that I am not an angel...
Giving In To The Love [Thai translation]
I'm losing my connections I'm tired of the rules and your corrections I want to live my life, be all of its pages And underline that I am not an angel...
Giving In To The Love [Turkish translation]
I'm losing my connections I'm tired of the rules and your corrections I want to live my life, be all of its pages And underline that I am not an angel...
Half The World Away lyrics
I would like to leave this city This old town don't smell too pretty and I can feel the warning signs running around my mind And when I leave this isl...
Half The World Away [Czech translation]
Chtěla bych z tohohle města pryč Je staré a ne zrovna vábné a já slyším, jak mi myslí probíhají varovná znamení A až opustím ostrov, zamluvím si pobyt...
Half The World Away [Dutch translation]
Ik zou graag deze stad willen verlaten Deze oude stad riekt niet al te fijn en / Ik voel hoe de waarschuwingstekenen door m'n hoofd spoken En wanneer ...
Half The World Away [French translation]
Je voudrais quitter cette ville Cette vieille ville ne sent pas très bon et Je peux sentir les signes avant-coureurs dans mon esprit Et quand je quitt...
Half The World Away [German translation]
Ich würde diese Stadt gerne verlassen Diese alte Stadt riecht nicht all zugut und Die warnenden Zeichen, die mir im Kopf rumschwirren, kann ich spühre...
Half The World Away [Other translation]
a v’e şofnı nıqem is cë is vil dıpöt në fëmnı cem jjäşe ox a pur vëxnı yınajahë nıjo palöcia vën cëb ox qsöa a qemnı is föjoi a psoiorejı a ro sqatola...
Half The World Away [Slovak translation]
Rada by som opustila to mesto To staré mesto nevonia nejako pekne Cítim varovné značky, ktoré mi bežia po mysli A keď opustím ten ostrov Objednám sa d...
Half The World Away [Spanish translation]
Me gustaría abandonar esta ciudad Esta vieja ciudad no huele demasiado bien y Puedo sentir las señales de aviso corriendo por mi mente Y cuando abando...
Half The World Away [Turkish translation]
Bu şehirden ayrılmak istiyorum Bu eski kasaba güzel kokmuyor ve Aklımın içinde dönen uyarı işaretlerini hissedebiliyorum Ve bu adadan ayrıldığımda ken...
Heathens lyrics
She bargains with the world So everything she wants will come to her With no greed inside her mind She knows what she deserves We fell from sky with g...
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