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AURORA also performed lyrics
Howard Blake - Walking in the Air
We're walking in the air, We're floating in the moonlight sky, The people far below are sleeping as we fly. I'm holding very tight, I'm riding in the ...
Walking in the Air [Danish translation]
Vi vandrer i luften VI flyder på den månelyse himmel Folk langt nede sover mens vi flyver. Jeg holder godt fast Jeg rider i den blå midnat Jeg ser at ...
Walking in the Air [Estonian translation]
Me kõnnime õhus, me hõljume kuuvalgel taevas, me lendame, inimesed kaugel all alles magavad. Hoian kõvasti kinni, ma lendlen sinises kesköös, avastan,...
Walking in the Air [German translation]
Wir wandeln durch die Luft, wir schweben durch das Mondenlicht Tief unter uns der Ort schläft fest und merkt es nicht Ich schmiege mich an dich und tr...
Walking in the Air [Serbian translation]
Hodamo po vazduhu Lebdimo po nebu osvetljeno mesečinom Ljudi daleko ispod spavaju dok mi letimo Držim se veoma čvrsto Vozim se po ponoćnom plavetnilu ...
Nature Boy [Russian translation]
There was a boy. A very strange, enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, Very far, Over land and sea. A little shy, And sad of eye, But very wis...
Nature Boy [Russian translation]
There was a boy. A very strange, enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, Very far, Over land and sea. A little shy, And sad of eye, But very wis...
Nature Boy [Russian translation]
There was a boy. A very strange, enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, Very far, Over land and sea. A little shy, And sad of eye, But very wis...
Nature Boy [Serbian translation]
There was a boy. A very strange, enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, Very far, Over land and sea. A little shy, And sad of eye, But very wis...
Nature Boy [Spanish translation]
There was a boy. A very strange, enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, Very far, Over land and sea. A little shy, And sad of eye, But very wis...
Nature Boy [Tongan translation]
There was a boy. A very strange, enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, Very far, Over land and sea. A little shy, And sad of eye, But very wis...
Nature Boy [Turkish translation]
There was a boy. A very strange, enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, Very far, Over land and sea. A little shy, And sad of eye, But very wis...
Nature Boy [Turkish translation]
There was a boy. A very strange, enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, Very far, Over land and sea. A little shy, And sad of eye, But very wis...
Nature Boy [Ukrainian translation]
There was a boy. A very strange, enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, Very far, Over land and sea. A little shy, And sad of eye, But very wis...
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