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A-ha lyrics
Crying in the Rain [Russian translation]
Не покажу тебе Как сильно ты разбила сердце мне. Пусть гордый я, И прячу я зря Свою скорбь. Так что ж? - Я буду плакать только в дождь. Если шторм на ...
Crying in the Rain [Serbian translation]
Никада те нећу пустити да видиш Како ме боли сломљено срце Имам свој понос и знам како да прикријем Сву своју тугу и бол Плакаћу зато на киши Чекаћу о...
Crying in the Rain [Serbian translation]
Nikada necu dopustiti da vidis Nacin kako moje slomljeno srce me boli Imam ja svoj ponos i znam kako da sakrijem Svu svoju tugu i bol Ja placem pod ki...
Crying in the Rain [Slovenian translation]
Nikoli ti ne bom dovolil videti kako me moje zlomljeno srce boli Imam svoj ponos in vem kako skriti vso svojo žalost in bolečino zato bom jokal v dežj...
Crying in the Rain [Spanish translation]
Nunca te dejaré ver Como mi corazón roto me está haciendo daño Tengo mi orgullo y se como esconder Toda la pena y el dolor Lloraré lo que tenga que ll...
Crying in the Rain [Turkish translation]
Asla görmene izin vermeyeceğim Kırık kalbimin beni incitmesini Gururum var ve nasıl saklanacağımı biliyorum Bütün keder ve acılarımla Yağmurda ağlayac...
Dark Is The Night For All lyrics
It's time we said goodbye Time now to decide O' don't you feel so small Dark is the night for all It's time we moved out West This time will be the be...
Dark Is The Night For All [French translation]
Il est temps que nous disions au-revoir Le temps maintenant de décider O' ne te sens-tu pas si petit Noire est la nuit pour tous Il est temps que nous...
Dark Is The Night For All [German translation]
Es ist Zeit, daß wir uns verabschieden. Es ist Zeit, Entscheidungen zu treffen Oh, fühl dich nicht so klein Die Nacht ist für alle dunkel Es ist Zeit,...
Dark Is The Night For All [German translation]
Es ist zeit dass wir Auf Wiedersehen sagen Zeit jetzt zu entscheiden O' fühlst du dich nicht so klein Finster ist die Nacht für alle Es ist zeit dass ...
Dark Is The Night For All [Portuguese translation]
Já passou da hora de dizermos adeus Agora é hora de decidir Ah, não se sinta tão pequena A noite é escura para todos Já passou da hora de nós sairmos ...
Dark Is The Night For All [Romanian translation]
E timpul să ne luăm la revedere, E timpul să decidem O, nu te simți atât de mic Întunecată este noaptea pentru toţi. E timpul să ne mutăm în Occident ...
Dark Is The Night For All [Russian translation]
Пришло время попрощаться Пришло нам время решать разве ты не чувствуеш себя сильнее? Темная ночь для всех Я думаю, что пришло время тебе переехатьна З...
Days on End lyrics
Do know why winter's such a cold and lonely place? If you do, breathe it in to my bleached faces Falling far, the sheets of my bed disappear I hear th...
Did Anyone Approach You? lyrics
You never look up You never look back You never say anything based on fact You've got issues going way back You never say 'hi' You never say much You ...
Did Anyone Approach You? [Portuguese translation]
Você nunca olha para cima Você nunca olha para trás Você nunca diz nada baseado em fatos Você tem problemas voltando muito atrás Você nunca diz 'olá' ...
Differences lyrics
Raise your voice Give us hope Make us hope Save our souls We have failed so many times Our attempts in steep decline Promises we could not keep Differ...
Digital River lyrics
You give a word, I send a word Now we are friends I do my bit, I resubmit Time and again Down the Digital river we will flow Climb the Virtual mountai...
Digital River [Finnish translation]
You give a word, I send a word Now we are friends I do my bit, I resubmit Time and again Down the Digital river we will flow Climb the Virtual mountai...
Digital River [German translation]
You give a word, I send a word Now we are friends I do my bit, I resubmit Time and again Down the Digital river we will flow Climb the Virtual mountai...
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