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A-ha lyrics
[Seemingly] Nonstop July lyrics
Walking by strangers Stranger than me We talk of a future Between you and me Sweet little darling Where will we be Sweet little darling Where will we ...
[Seemingly] Nonstop July [French translation]
Randonnée avec des étrangers Plus étranger que moi Nous parlons d'un avenir Entre toi et moi Douce petite chérie Où serons nous Douce petite chérie Où...
[Seemingly] Nonstop July [German translation]
Während wir an Fremden vorbeigehen Fremder als ich Reden wir über eine Zukunft Zwischen dir und mir Süßer kleiner Liebling Wo werden wir sein Süßer kl...
A Fine Blue Line lyrics
Take a look and see What's become of me Remember how it used to be People that we'd meet Were falling at your feet You didn't eve see it Time marches ...
A Fine Blue Line [German translation]
Schau mal her, Was aus mir geworden ist! Erinnere dich, Wie es früher war! Leute, die wir trafen, Fielen dir zu Füßen; Du hast es nicht einmal bemerkt...
A Fine Blue Line [Romanian translation]
Fii atent și privește Ce se întâmplă cu mine Îți mai amintești cum era altădată Oameni pe care îi întâlneam Cădeau la picioarele tale Nu ţi-ai dat sea...
All the Planes That Come In on the Quiet lyrics
The planes and old airport A long life Short of great events It seems like all the planes that come in on the quiet Along the coast catch a glimpse of...
Analogue [All I want] lyrics
Come back, my darling one I’m calling on you The road ahead is long And I must warn you I wonder Where did she go? If I failed you I tell you right no...
Analogue [All I want] [German translation]
Komm zurück, mein Liebling Ich wende mich an dich Der Weg da vorne ist lang Und ich muss dich warnen Ich frage mich Wohin ging sie? Falls ich dich ent...
Analogue [All I want] [Hungarian translation]
Jöjj vissza, kedvesem Utánad kiáltok Előttünk oly hosszú az út Óvá intelek téged Vajon Hová lett? Ha megbántottalak Csak azt mondhatom Mindaz, amit tu...
Analogue [All I want] [Romanian translation]
Întoarce-te, iubita mea Strig după tine Drumul ce ne aşteaptă este lung Te avertizez Mă întreb Unde a plecat? Dacă ţi-am greşit Îți spun chiar acum Vr...
Analogue [All I want] [Russian translation]
Вернись, дорогая, Я зову тебя. Дорога впереди длинная, И я должен предупредить тебя. Интересно, Куда она ушла? Я подвёл тебя, И сейчас говорю тебе: Вс...
And You Tell Me lyrics
Please don't hurt me I have told you All my love is all I've got And tomorrow is the day When I for your sake I'm coming back And you tell me That I d...
And You Tell Me [Bosnian translation]
Molim te, nemoj me povrijediti Rekao sam ti Sva moja ljubav je sve što imam Sutra je dan Kada ću se, zbog tebe Vratiti I ti mi kažeš Da te ne volim Tr...
And You Tell Me [Dutch translation]
Doe me alsjeblieft geen pijn, ik heb het je verteld Al mijn liefde is alles wat ik heb En morgen is de dag Wanneer ik voor jouw eigen bestwil Terugkom...
And You Tell Me [French translation]
S'il te plaît ne me fais pas souffrir Je t'ai dis que Tout mon amour est tout ce que j'ai Et demain est le jour Où pour toi Je reviens Et tu me dis Qu...
And You Tell Me [German translation]
Bitte verletze mich nicht! Ich habe dir gesagt; All meine Liebe ist alles, was ich habe, Und morgen ist der Tag, An dem ich deinetwegen Zurückkomme. U...
And You Tell Me [Portuguese translation]
Por favor não me machuque Eu te disse Que todo o meu amor é tudo que eu tenho E amanhã é o dia Em que eu, pelo seu bem, Voltarei E você me diz Que eu ...
And You Tell Me [Romanian translation]
Te rog nu mă răni Ți-am mai spus Toată dragostea mea e tot ce am Și mâine este ziua Când de dragul tău Mă întorc Iar TU să-mi spui ... Că, nu te iubes...
And You Tell Me [Russian translation]
Прошу, пожалуйста, не бейте меня. Я сказал тебе, Что вся моя любовь – это все, что есть у меня, И завтра будет день, Когда я ради тебя Вернусь назад. ...
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