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A-ha also performed lyrics
A Question Of Lust lyrics
Fragile Like a baby in your arms Be gentle with me I'd never willingly do you harm Apologies Are all you seem to get from me But just like a child You...
A Question Of Lust [French translation]
Fragile, Comme un bébé dans tes bras Sois gentille avec moi, Je ne te blesserais jamais volontairement Des excuses, Voilà tout ce que je semble t'offr...
A Question Of Lust [German translation]
Zerbrechlich Wie ein Baby in Deinen Armen Sei sanft zu mir Ich würde Dir nie absichtlich weh tun Entschuldigungen Sind alles, was du von mir zu bekomm...
A Question Of Lust [Gothic translation]
Briks Swa barnilo in þeinaim armim Mildeis mis sijais Ni aiw gasleiþjau þuk Inilons Ainahons ei þugkeiþ ganimais fram mis Akei swa barnilo Ufhlohis mi...
A Question Of Lust [Greek translation]
Εύθραυστος Σαν μωρό στα χέρια σου Να είσαι ήπια μαζί μου Ποτέ δεν θα σου έκανα κακό οικειοθελώς 1 Συγγνώμες Είναι το μόνο που φαίνεται να παίρνεις από...
A Question Of Lust [Hungarian translation]
Törékeny Akár egy kisbaba a karjaidban Légy gyengéd velem Én soha nem bántanálak szándékosan Mentegetőzés Úgy tűnik mindössze ezt kapod tőlem De akárc...
A Question Of Lust [Italian translation]
Fragile Come un bambino nelle tue braccia Sii gentile con me Non ti farei mai del male apposta Scuse Sono tutto quello che sembra che tu abbia da me M...
A Question Of Lust [Portuguese translation]
Frágil Como uma criança nos seus braços Seja gentil comigo Eu nunca te faria mal de propósito Desculpas São tudo o que você parece ganhar de mim Mas c...
A Question Of Lust [Romanian translation]
Fragil, ca un copil în brațele tale Poartă-te frumos cu mine nu te-aș răni niciodată intenționat Scuze, asta e tot ce par să-ți ofer Dar la fel ca un ...
A Question Of Lust [Russian translation]
Уязвим, в твоих руках, я, как дитя: оберегай меня - ведь лишь ЛюБоВе без вреда я для тебя... Когда я неуклюж, я говорю тебе "Прости!": твою о мне забо...
A Question Of Lust [Serbian translation]
Ranjiv poput deteta u tvom naručju Budi nežna sa mnom Nikada te neću svesno povrediti Izgleda da sve što dobijaš od mene su izvinjenja Ali baš kao det...
A Question Of Lust [Spanish translation]
Fragil Como un bebe en tus brazos Se gentil conmigo Yo nunca estaría dispuesto hacerte daño Disculpas Es todo lo que pareces obtener de mi Pero como a...
#9 Dream lyrics
So long ago Was it in a dream, was it just a dream? I know, yes I know Seemed so very real, it seemed so real to me Took a walk down the street Thru t...
#9 Dream [Italian translation]
So long ago Was it in a dream, was it just a dream? I know, yes I know Seemed so very real, it seemed so real to me Took a walk down the street Thru t...
#9 Dream [Portuguese translation]
So long ago Was it in a dream, was it just a dream? I know, yes I know Seemed so very real, it seemed so real to me Took a walk down the street Thru t...
#9 Dream [Romanian translation]
So long ago Was it in a dream, was it just a dream? I know, yes I know Seemed so very real, it seemed so real to me Took a walk down the street Thru t...
#9 Dream [Russian translation]
So long ago Was it in a dream, was it just a dream? I know, yes I know Seemed so very real, it seemed so real to me Took a walk down the street Thru t...
#9 Dream [Serbian translation]
So long ago Was it in a dream, was it just a dream? I know, yes I know Seemed so very real, it seemed so real to me Took a walk down the street Thru t...
#9 Dream [Spanish translation]
So long ago Was it in a dream, was it just a dream? I know, yes I know Seemed so very real, it seemed so real to me Took a walk down the street Thru t...
#9 Dream [Spanish translation]
So long ago Was it in a dream, was it just a dream? I know, yes I know Seemed so very real, it seemed so real to me Took a walk down the street Thru t...
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