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James Morrison lyrics
The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore [Serbian translation]
Izvijao sam se i okretao u premalom prostoru Crtao sam liniju i gledao je kako pada Zatvorila si me u sebe, zatvorila prostor u mome srcu Gledajuci na...
This Boy lyrics
This boy wants to play There's no time left today It's a shame coz he has to go home This boy's got to work, got to sweat Just to pay what he gets to ...
This Boy [Hungarian translation]
Ez a fiú játszani akar Nem maradt idő a mára Kár, mert haza kell mennie Ennek a fiúnak dolga van, szenvednie kell Csak, hogy kifizesse, amit kapott, h...
This Boy [Italian translation]
Questo ragazzo vuole suonare, ma oggi non c'è tempo. E' un peccato perché deve tornare a casa. Questo ragazzo deve lavorare, affaticarsi, solo per pag...
Too Late for Lullabies lyrics
Ooohhhh It’s a sad song that has no end It’s a bleeding heart that never mends A minor miracle we can still pretend After so long Did the apple fall t...
Under The Influence lyrics
I was sure, I was born and raised to be my own man I was so sure; I was never going to need a helping hand And she said, trust in your heart and there...
Undiscovered lyrics
I look at you, you bite your tongue You don't know why or where I'm coming from But in my head I'm close to you We're in the rain still searching for ...
Undiscovered [Hungarian translation]
Rád nézek, ráharapsz a nyelvedre Nem tudod, hogy miért vagy honnan jöttem De a fejemben közel vagyok hozzád Még mindig az esőben állunk, a napsugaraka...
Undiscovered [Italian translation]
Ti guardo, mordi la lingua Non sai perché o da dove vengo Ma nella mia testa sono vicino a te Siamo sotto la pioggia ancora alla ricerca del sole Pens...
Undiscovered [Turkish translation]
Sana bakıyorum da dilini ısırıyorsun Neden veya nereden geldiğimi bilmiyorsun Fakat kafamda ben sana yakınım Yağmurun altındayız, güneşi arıyoruz hala...
Until the Stars Go Out lyrics
Hey, little girl, who're you gonna be? There’s a great big world full of mystery You can settle for less or you can fight for more I hope you find wha...
Until the Stars Go Out [Portuguese translation]
Ei, garotinha, quem você será? Tem um mundão lá fora, cheio de mistério Você pode ficar com menos ou lutar por mais Eu espero que você encontre o que ...
We Can lyrics
I know how to fall Into a sea of desperation It's easy To feel small Feel like I'm always on the outside, yeah I know I could do it alone But I don’t ...
We Can [Italian translation]
So come si cade In un mare di disperazione. E' facile Sentirsi piccoli Come se fossi sempre escluso, sì Lo so Che posso farcela da solo Ma non credo n...
Wonderful World lyrics
I've been down so low People look at me and they know They can tell something is wrong Like I don't belong Staring through a window Standing outside, ...
Wonderful World [Danish translation]
Jeg har været så langt nede Folk kigger på mig, og de ved det De kan se at der er noget galt Som om jeg ikke hører til Stirrer ud ad et vindue Står de...
Wonderful World [German translation]
Ich bin so niedergeschlagen gewesen Leute schauen mich an und sie wissen es Sie können sehen, dass etwas nicht richtig ist Als würde ich nicht dazu ge...
Wonderful World [Hungarian translation]
Annyira magam alatt vagyok, hogy Az emberek rám néznek, és látják Érzik, hogy valami nincs rendben Mintha nem tartoznék ide Ablakon bámulok ki Kinn ác...
Wonderful World [Italian translation]
Sono stato così abbattuto Che la gente mi guarda e lo capisce Sa che c'è qualcosa che non va Come se fossi un estraneo Guardano attraverso una finestr...
Wonderful World [Serbian translation]
Bio sam tako nisko Ljudi me gledaju i znaju Mogu reći da je nešto pogrešno Kao da ja ne pripadam Zureći kroz prozor Stojeći napolju, oni su jednostavn...
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