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Pentakill lyrics
Mortal Reminder [Bulgarian translation]
Заслепен от омраза поднесена от падението, Кълна смъртта на всеки Ще почувстваш моето отмъщение Когато отнема твоята мъртвешка душа Ще накажа и унищож...
Mortal Reminder [Russian translation]
Слепящей ненавистью одарило меня паденье! Коль я клянусь умертвить всех — Мое возмездие настигнет вас! Коль я требую ваши смертные души — Я буду карат...
Mortal Reminder [Spanish translation]
Cegado por el odio que trajo la caída Mientras juro muerte a todos Sentirán mi venganza Mientras reclamo su alma mortal Castigaré y destruiré A aquell...
Mortal Reminder [Turkish translation]
Düşüşün nefretiyle kör oldum Öldüreceğime yemin ettim hepsini İntikamımı hissedeceksiniz Ölümlü ruhunuz terk edince bedeninizi Bu kumpası kuranları Ce...
Predator lyrics
You are no different, you're animals You are but momentary flaws You are a dying world We are your death reborn Welcome to your new reality Silence th...
Rapid Firecannon lyrics
A forgotten place inside the lonely tower Tear it down with a metal roar The war eternal, I assail the unassailable A second release unhaunted by my p...
Tear of the Goddess lyrics
The unknown terror That stood alone Passed from the days of the early suns Through worlds of lost belief Laid waste and buried deep Summoned to be set...
Tear of the Goddess [Russian translation]
Неизвестный страх Тот, что был сдержан в одиночестве, Дал о себе знать на рассвете. Через свет утраченной, Пустой, и глубоко захоронненой веры. Он заг...
Tear of the Goddess [Turkish translation]
Tek başına duran O gizemli dehşet Eski güneşler devrinden bu yana İnancı kayıp diyarlardan geçip gelmiş Yerle bir etmiş, derinlere gömülmüş Mahvolması...
The Bloodthirster lyrics
Cast down the weak Those who deceived us Those who would let us burn Liars and cheats Brittle and weak Another day will come Crawling on your knees ri...
The Hex Core mk-2 lyrics
Is that all you’ve got to say Cause this is not another game Not one that you wanna play Step, by step, by step Death march to your grave Is that all ...
The Prophecy lyrics
The era of metal has begun. And metal shall prevail, for we know what they have done. Five legends of our realm, who sought to follow the path of thei...
Thornmail lyrics
My king, my king, how was I supposed to know that everyone will falter when you die. And as we speak the army of our enemies is approaching our gates,...
Thornmail [Russian translation]
Мой король, мой король, откуда я мог знать, что каждый содрогнется, когда ты умрешь. Армия врагов приближается к нашим воротам, нам некуда бежать. Смо...
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