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Luca (OST) also performed lyrics
O mio babbino caro [Venetan translation]
O caro pare mio, El me piaxe, el xe bèo, bèo Vògio 'ndar a Porta Rossa1 a comprar l'anèo! Sì, sì, ghe vògio 'ndar! E se ghe voesse ben par gninte, 'Nd...
Mina - Tintarella di luna
Abbronzate, tutte chiazze, pellirosse un po' paonazze son le ragazze che prendono il sol ma ce n'è una che prende la luna. Tintarella di luna, tintare...
Tintarella di luna [English translation]
Suntanned, all in blotches Redskins with a purple tinge Are girls who bake in the sun But there is not a single one Who uses moonlight to tan That's t...
Tintarella di luna [English translation]
They've been tanned; all the patches Reddish skin, a bit purple Those are the girls that take the sun But there's one girl That takes the moon. Moonli...
Tintarella di luna [English translation]
Bronzed and covered in sun lines, Reddish and even purplish-skinned The girls who soak up the sun all look like that But there's one Who soaks up the ...
Tintarella di luna [English translation]
All the tan patches, The burnt skin’s a little flushed. All those girls bathe in the sun. But there is one girl, Who bathes in the moon. The color of ...
Tintarella di luna [English translation]
They are tanned from head to toe. Their skin is reddish almost purple. Those are the girls who bathe in the sun, But there's another, who bathes by th...
Tintarella di luna [English translation]
All the patches have been tanned Redskins1 are a little purple, The girls are those who take the Sun But there is this one girl Who takes the moon. Sh...
Tintarella di luna [German translation]
Sonnenverbrannt an allen Stellen, Die Haut so rot wie Krebse, Sind die Mädchen, die sich gesonnt haben. Aber es gibt eine, Die sonnt sich im Mondlicht...
Tintarella di luna [German translation]
Sie sind von Kopf bis Fuß gebräunt Ihre Haut ist fast violett rötlich. Das sind die Mädchen, die in der Sonne baden. Aber da ist noch eine, die im Mon...
Tintarella di luna [Japanese translation]
サンタン、日焼けだらけ 肌が赤くて、ちょっと紫色 それは日焼けしている女の子。 しかし、一人は 月焼けしているよ。 月焼け 牛乳色の月焼け 夜中に屋根のてっぺんで 猫みたいにてっぺんで そして、満月なら 君は純白になるよ。 月焼け 牛乳色の月焼け 肌は真っ白になる 一番美人になるよ そして、満月なら...
Tintarella di luna [Portuguese translation]
Bronzeadas, todas cheias de marcas, peles rubras um pouco violáceas Assim são as garotas que pegam o sol mas há uma que pega a lua. Bronzeamento á lua...
Tintarella di luna [Portuguese translation]
Bronzeiem todas as manchas Os peles vermelhas1 estão um pouco roxos São as garotas que pegaram o Sol Mas tem uma garota Que pegou a Lua Se bronzeie co...
Tintarella di luna [Romanian translation]
Bronzate, pline de pistrui, Cu pielea roşie, un pic stacojie, Aşa sunt fetele care au prins soarele, Dar mai e una Care prinde luna. Bronz de lună, Br...
Tintarella di luna [Russian translation]
Днем все девочки на пляжах Загорают, аж спины их в пятнах Красная кожа, лиловый отлив Но знаю одну я Пляжницу ночную Этот лунный загар твой, Твой зага...
Tintarella di luna [Russian translation]
Загорелые, все в пятнах, краснокожие, даже немного багровые те девушки, что загорают под солнцем. Но есть одна, которая загорает под луной. Лунный заг...
Tintarella di luna [Spanish translation]
Bronceadas, todas las irregularidades Pelirrojas y un poco púrpuras Son las chicas que toman sol Pero hay una Que toma luna Bronceado de luna, Broncea...
Quartetto Cetra - Un bacio a mezzanotte
Non ti fidar di un bacio a mezzanotte se c'è la luna, non ti fidar perché, perché la luna a mezzanotte riesce sempre a farti innamorar. Non ti fidar d...
Un bacio a mezzanotte [English translation]
Don't you trust A Midnight Kiss If there's the Moon, don't you trust 'Cause, 'cause The Midnight Moon Always makes you fall in love Don't you trust Ga...
Un bacio a mezzanotte [French translation]
Ne te fie pas À un baiser à minuit S'il y a la lune, ne t'y fie pas Parce que La lune à minuit Réussit toujours à te faire tomber amoureux. Ne te fie ...
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