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Paolo Nutini lyrics
Northern Skies [German translation]
I've have returned to the Northern Skies where the summer had knocked out the clouds that class above owh and I have returned to the somber greens of ...
Northern Skies [Spanish translation]
I've have returned to the Northern Skies where the summer had knocked out the clouds that class above owh and I have returned to the somber greens of ...
Now Who's The Fool lyrics
Now we’re back in business yeah Oh and it seems like we’ll never be All this pain and hurt just keeps getting worse But I’m lying now that you’re mine...
Now Who's The Fool [Spanish translation]
Now we’re back in business yeah Oh and it seems like we’ll never be All this pain and hurt just keeps getting worse But I’m lying now that you’re mine...
Numpty lyrics
Hey, la, la, la Building a house so we can fall at the first brick If the cement don't stick But I've been told That it only gets harder from there! H...
Numpty [Hungarian translation]
Hey, la, la, la Házat építünk, hogy összedőlhessen az első téglánál Ha a malter nem köt meg De már megmondták nekem, Innentől csak nehezebb lesz! Hmm,...
Numpty [Spanish translation]
Hey , la, la, la Construyendo una casa de este modo, podemos caer en el primer ladrillo Si el cemento no pega Pero me han dicho Que eso sólo lo hace m...
One Day lyrics
From the corner of my eye To the back of my mind I recognize what you mean to me And all the corners of our pictures Are a long time afraid They still...
One Day [German translation]
Vom Winkel meines Auges bis hin zu meinem innersten Ich erkenne ich was du mir bedeutest Und all die Ecken an unseren Fotos, seit langer Zeit verblass...
One Day [Greek translation]
Από την άκρη του ματιού μου Μέχρι το πίσω μέρος του μυαλού μου Αναγνωρίζω τι σημαίνεις για μένα Και όλες οι γωνίες των εικόνων μας Φοβούνται εδώ και π...
One Day [Hungarian translation]
A szemem sarkából A tudatom legmélyén Lassan tudatosul bennem, mit jelentettél nekem És bár a képeinket Már régen bekereteztük, Még mindig azt jelképe...
One Day [Spanish translation]
Desde la esquina de mi ojo Hasta el fondo de mi mente Identifico lo que significas para mí Y todos los rincones de nuestras imágenes hace ya tiempo te...
Over and Over- Hot Chip [cover] lyrics
Laid back, laid back Laid back, I want you laid back Laid back, laid back Laid back, I want you laid back Over and over, and over, and over, and over ...
Over and Over- Hot Chip [cover] [Hungarian translation]
Laid back, laid back Laid back, I want you laid back Laid back, laid back Laid back, I want you laid back Over and over, and over, and over, and over ...
Over and Over- Hot Chip [cover] [Spanish translation]
Laid back, laid back Laid back, I want you laid back Laid back, laid back Laid back, I want you laid back Over and over, and over, and over, and over ...
Pencil Full of Lead lyrics
I've got a sheet for my bed And a pillow for my head I've got a pencil full of lead And some water for my throat I've got buttons for my coat And sail...
Pencil Full of Lead [Arabic translation]
لدي ملاءة لسريري ووسادة لرأسي لدي رصاصٌ في قلمي وبعض الماء لحلقي ولدي أزرار لمعطفي وأشرعة لقاربي أكثر بكثير مما احتجته في أي وقت مضى لدي نقود في العدا...
Pencil Full of Lead [Croatian translation]
Imam plahtu za krevet I jastuk za glavu Imam olovku punu olova I malo vode za grlo Imam gumbe za svoj kaput I jedra za svoj brod Toliko više nego što ...
Pencil Full of Lead [Hungarian translation]
Van lepedő az ágyamon És párna a fejem alatt Van egy grafittal teli ceruzám És egy kis vízem a torkomra Vannak gombok a kabátomon És vitorla a csónako...
Pencil Full of Lead [Spanish translation]
Tengo una sábana para mi cama Y una almohada para mi cabeza Tengo un lápiz lleno de iniciativa Y un poco de agua para la garganta Tengo botones para m...
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