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Lord of the Lost lyrics
Amber lyrics
Amber, don't you cry tonight You are not alone tonight I am by your side tonight I keep watching here tonight Here's a rose to remind you of me Here's...
And It Was Night lyrics
Into the dusk you stray In search of an escape A thief in need of grace No soul is immune to The melancholic moon And nature's tranquil tune I want to...
And It Was Night [Italian translation]
Al tramonto ti allontani Cercando una via di fuga Un ladro a cui serve la grazia divina Nessuna anima è immune Alla luna malinconica E alla placida me...
Annabel Lee lyrics
It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee Ooh, oh, Annabel Lee ...
Annabel Lee [French translation]
C'était il y a moultes et moultes années, Que dans un royaume de par la mer, Une jeune fille vivait, Laquelle peut-être vous connaîtrez Par le nom d'A...
Annabel Lee [Greek translation]
Χρόνια πολλά περάσαν από τότε,1 σ' ένα βασίλειο δίπλα στο γιαλό, που κάποια κόρη ζούσε, τ' όνομά της 'Αναμπελ Λη, θα το 'χετ' ακουστό Ωωω, ω, Άναμπελ ...
Annabel Lee [Hungarian translation]
Sok-sok évvel ezelőtt, Egy királyság a tengernél, Egy hajadon élt itt, ki ismerős lehet Az Annabel Lee névről Ooh, oh, Annabel Lee Ooh, oh, Annabel Le...
Annabel Lee [Spanish translation]
Fue hace muchos, muchos años En un reino a la orilla del mar Que vivió una doncella allí a la que tal vez conozcas por el nombre de Annabel Lee Uuh, u...
Another Sunny Day in Paradise lyrics
Eden burns Demons churn Nightmares reign Blight unchained Our dreams atomize This is our life Another sunny day in paradise Earth has run dry This is ...
Antagony [The Truth Is Written Between The Lines] lyrics
I have walked in line, I have made my confessions to ease my guilt I have been Aligned, but now's the time I want to know what's behind the end, Will ...
Argent lyrics
Now breathe in ghosts and crawl inside To kneel and choke before the hive I fall unto these hands I call into the black Are you out there? Are you out...
Argent [Greek translation]
Τώρα εισπνέω φαντάσματα και σύρομαι εντός Να γονατίσω και να πνιγώ εις την κυψέλη εμπρός Πάνω σ' αυτά τα χέρια πέφτω Εις το έρεβος φωνάζω Είσαι κάπου ...
Beyond Beautiful lyrics
I'd love to hate you and i hate to say good bye Although it's real i've been living in a lie The more i know the more i hate I have to run I deceive m...
Beyond Beautiful [Russian translation]
Мне нравится тебя ненавидеть, и не хочу прощания, Несмотря на реальность этого, я живу во лжи. Чем больше я знаю, тем больше ненавижу. Я должен бежать...
Beyond Beautiful [Spanish translation]
Yo amaba odiarte y yo odio decir adiós Pero es real y yo he estado viviendo una mentira Mientras mas conozco mas yo odio Tengo que correr Me niego a a...
Beyond Beautiful [Turkish translation]
Senden nefret edebilmek isterdim ve nefret ediyorum hoşçakal demekten Bu gerçek olduğu halde, ben bir yalanı yaşıyorum Ne kadar bilirsem, o kadar nefr...
Bitch lyrics
Bitch! You'll learn to lose me Bitch! And you'll love me when it's over Bitch! I know that Lennon died and Morrisson is dead I saw Cobain losing his h...
Black Halo lyrics
You've been told that I'm the devil But my blood is your blood In shame my, my blood stains your hands You are the murderer of my fire and my sense Yo...
Black Halo [Russian translation]
Тебе сказали, что я — дьявол, Но моя кровь — это твоя кровь. К моему позору, моя кровь запятнала твои руки, Ты убийца моего огня и мой же смысл. Ты от...
Black Halo [Ukrainian translation]
Тобі сказали - що я диявол Але моя кров це і твоя кров Моя кров ганебно забруднила твої руки Ти вбивця мого вогню і сенсу Ти викинула мене геть Що мен...
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