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Cher Lloyd featuring lyrics
Really Don't Care [Persian translation]
تو ميخواي بازي كني،ميخواي بموني، ميخواي همشو داشته باشي شروع كردي كه سرم رو شلوغ كني تا به يه ديوار بخورم شايد مجبورم بدونم كه تو ميخواي بري بيرون در ...
Really Don't Care [Polish translation]
Chcesz Się bawić, chcesz Zostać, chcesz mieć wszystko Zacząłeś mieszać w mojej głowie, dopóki nie uderzyłam w ścianę Może powinnam wiedzieć, może powi...
Really Don't Care [Portuguese translation]
Você quer jogar, você quer jogar, você quer ter tudo Você começou a mexer com minha cabeça ate eu bater na parede Talvez eu devesse saber, talvez eu d...
Really Don't Care [Romanian translation]
Tu vrei sa te joci, vrei sa stai, vrei sa ai totul Ai inceput sa te joci cu mintea mea pana am lovit un zid Poate ar fi trebuit sa fi stiut, poate ar ...
Really Don't Care [Serbian translation]
Želiš da igraš, želiš da ostaneš, želiš sve da imaš Počeo si da me zezaš dok nisam udarila o zid Možda je trebalo da znam, možda je trebalo da znam Da...
Really Don't Care [Slovak translation]
Chceš sa hrať, chceš zostať, chceš mať to všetko Začal si mi poblázňovať hlavu dokiaľ sa nebuchnem o stenu Asi som mala vedieť, asi som mala vedieť že...
Really Don't Care [Spanish translation]
Quieres jugar, quieres quedarte, quieres tenerlo todo Jugaste con mi cabeza hasta que llegué a una pared Tal vez debería haber sabido, tal vez debería...
Really Don't Care [Thai translation]
นายอยากจะเล่น นายอยากจะอยู่ หรือ นายอยากจะทำอะไรก็ทำ นายปั่นหัวฉันจนหัวฉันกระแทกกับพนัง สงสัยฉันคงไม่ควรจะรู้สินะ ว่าคุณจะไป เดินไปออกจากประตู บอกว่าเ...
Really Don't Care [Turkish translation]
Oynamak, kalmak, her şeye sahip olmak istiyorsun Ben duvara toslayana kadar kafamı karıştırmaya başladın Belki de bilmeliydim Belki de bilmeliydim Kap...
Really Don't Care [Turkish translation]
Oynamak istiyorsun, kalmak istiyorsun, hepsini elde etmek istiyorsun Bir duvara çarpıncaya kadar kafamı karıştırmaya başladın Belki bilmem gerekirdi, ...
Really Don't Care [Turkish translation]
Oynamak istiyorsun, kalmak istiyorsun, her şeyi almak istiyorsun Ben duvara toslayana kadar kafamı karıştırdın Belki de bilmeliydim, belki de bilmeliy...
Really Don't Care [Turkish translation]
Oynamak istiyorsun, kalmak istiyorsun,her şeyi almak istiyorsun Ben duvara toslayana kadar kafamı karıştırdın Belki de bilmeliydim, belki de bilmeliyd...
Rum and Raybans lyrics
Kingston, Let's go!! Round of applause because the body needs a hand Clap it up for that body Clap it up for that body Shots at the bar no chases baby...
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