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America lyrics
A Horse with No Name [Romanian translation]
În prima parte a călătoriei, Priveam toate formele de viaţă, Erau plante şi păsări şi pietre şi lucruri, Erau nisip şi dealuri şi cercuri, Primul lucr...
A Horse with No Name [Russian translation]
(Стих 1) Во время первой части путешествия, я видел всех живых существ. Растения, птицы, камни, вещи, песок, холмы и полосы (вокруг гор). Впервые я вс...
A Horse with No Name [Serbian translation]
Na prvom delu putovanja Video sam život sav Bilo je i biljaka i ptica i kamenja i stvari Bilo je peska i polja i prstenja Prva stvar koju sam sreo je ...
A Horse with No Name [Spanish translation]
En la primera parte delviaje, estuve mirando toda la vida. Había plantas, pájaros y piedras y cosas, había arena y montañas y anillos. La primera cosa...
A Horse with No Name [Swedish translation]
På första delen av resan Tittade jag på allt liv Det fanns växter och fåglar och stenar och saker Det fanns sand och kullar och ringar Det första jag ...
A Horse with No Name [Thai translation]
ณ จุดเริ่มต้นของการเดินทาง ฉันนั่งมองเหล่าชีวิตชีวา มีพันธุ์ไม้ มีนก ศิลา นานา และมีทราย มีเนิน วงแหวน สิ่งที่พบอย่างแรกเป็นแมลงวันที่ตอม และก็ฟ้าไร้เ...
A Horse with No Name [Turkish translation]
Yolculuğunilk bölümünde Hayatın tamamını gözden geçiriyordum Bitkiler,kuşlar,kayalar ve eşyalar vardı Kum,tepeler ve zil sesleri vardı Karşılaştığım i...
Daisy Jane lyrics
Flyin' me back to Memphis Gotta find my Daisy Jane Well, the summer's gone And I hope she's feelin' the same Well, I left her just to roam the city Th...
Daisy Jane [Polish translation]
Lecę z powrotem do Memphis Muszą odnaleźć swą Daisy Jane Lato już przeminęło Może ona odczuwa to samo. Zostawiłem ją by błąkać się po mieście Myśląc, ...
Don't Cross The River lyrics
There's a little girl out lyin' on her own She's got a broken heart She's not the kind to take you down for long She knows and plays it smart And if s...
Don't Cross The River [Polish translation]
Oto dziewczyna, żyjąca po swojemu, Złamane serce ma. Nie jest z tych, która pognębi cię na długo, Roztropnie to rozgrywa. Gdy zbliża się, nie poznasz ...
I Need You lyrics
We used to laugh, we used to cry We used to bow our heads then, wonder why And now you're gone, I guess I'll carry on And make the best of what you've...
I Need You [German translation]
We used to laugh, we used to cry We used to bow our heads then, wonder why And now you're gone, I guess I'll carry on And make the best of what you've...
I Need You [Greek translation]
We used to laugh, we used to cry We used to bow our heads then, wonder why And now you're gone, I guess I'll carry on And make the best of what you've...
I Need You [Polish translation]
We used to laugh, we used to cry We used to bow our heads then, wonder why And now you're gone, I guess I'll carry on And make the best of what you've...
Indian Summer lyrics
The sand, feel the waves between your toes Can you feel the way the old wind blows From one to another Here to discover Indian summer Indian summer Ho...
Inspector Mills lyrics
Inspector Mills I'd like to tell you 'bout a girl I saw At a party just the other night in Beverly Hills Inspector Mills I hope you find her and it do...
Lonely People lyrics
This is for all the lonely people Thinkin'that life has passed them by Don't give up Until you drink from the silver cup And ride that highway in the ...
Lonely People [German translation]
Dies ist all den Einsamen gewidmet Die glauben, dass das Leben sie links liegen gelassen hat Gebt nicht auf Bis ihr vom Siegerpokal trinkt Und in himm...
Lonely People [Polish translation]
Do wszystkich samotnych ludzi: przekonanych, że życie przeszło koło was: Nie rezygnujcie, Aż łykniecie ze srebrnego pucharu I aż ruszycie autostradą p...
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