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Sarah McLachlan lyrics
Building a Mystery lyrics
You come out at night That's when the energy comes And the dark side's light And the vampires roam You strut your rasta wear And your suicide poem And...
Building a Mystery [French translation]
Tu sors le soir C'est à ce moment que l'énergie vient Et le sombre côté de la lumière Et les vampires errent Tu portes tes vêtements rasta Et ton poèm...
Building a Mystery [Greek translation]
Βγαίνεις τη νύχτα Τότε έρχεται η ενέργεια Και το φως της σκοτεινής πλευράς Και οι βρυκόλακες περιπλανώνται Βαδίζεις επιδεικνύοντας τα rasta ρούχα σου ...
Building a Mystery [Italian translation]
Vieni alla sera È quando l'energia arriva E il lato scuro è chiaro E i vampiri vagano Dimostri i tuoi abiti rasta E il tuo poema di suicidio E una cro...
Building a Mystery [Spanish translation]
Sales por la noche. Ahí es cuando llega la energía y la luz del lado oscuro y los vampiros rondan. Te pavoneas con tu atuendo rastafari y tu poema sui...
Building a Mystery [Turkish translation]
Bir gece ortaya çıkıyorsun Enerji geldiğinde Ve karanlık tarafın ışığı Ve vampirler gezindiğinde Çalımla yürüyorsun Rastafaryan giyiminle Ve intihar ş...
Dirty Little Secret lyrics
If I had the chance, love I would not hesitate To tell you all the things I never said before Don't tell me it's too late Cause I've relied on my illu...
Dirty Little Secret [Greek translation]
Αν είχα την δυνατότητα, αγάπη μου Δεν θα δίσταζα να σου πω όλα όσα ποτέ δεν είπα Μην μου λες ότι είναι πολύ αργά Γιατί έχω βασιστεί στις ψευδαισθήσεις...
Do What You Have To Do lyrics
What ravages of spirit Conjured this temptuous rage Created you a monster Broken by the rule of love And fate has led you through it You do what you h...
Do What You Have To Do [French translation]
Quels ravages de l'esprit Créèrent ce tempête noire T'ont changé en monstre Brisé par les règles de l'amour Et le destin a été ton guide Tu fais ce qu...
Do What You Have To Do [Italian translation]
Quali segni dello spirito Hanno creato questa rabbia tempestosa Ti hanno convertito in mostro Rotto per le regole dell'amore E il destino ti ha guidat...
Do What You Have To Do [Spanish translation]
Cuales estragos del espíritu Han creado esta furia tempestuosa Te han convertido en monstruo Roto por las reglas del amor Y el destino te ha guiado po...
Elsewhere lyrics
I love the time and in between The calm inside me In the space where I can breathe I believe there is a Distance I have wandered To touch upon the yea...
Elsewhere [Greek translation]
Αγαπώ τον χρόνο και ενδιάμεσα Την ηρεμία μέσα μου Στο μέρος όπου μπορώ να αναπνεύσω Πιστεύω πως υπάρχει μια διάσταση που έχω περιπλανηθεί για να (την)...
Elsewhere [Italian translation]
Amo il tempo e La calma dentro di me Nello spazio dove posso respirare Credo che ci sia una Distanza che ho vagato Per toccare gli anni di Raggiungere...
Elsewhere [Serbian translation]
Volim vreme i između Mirno u meni U prostoru gde mogu da dišem Verujem da postoji Daljina kojom sam tumarala Da dotaknem godine Dopiranja i dostizanja...
Fallen lyrics
Heaven bend to take my hand And lead me through the fire Be the long awaited answer To a long and painful fight Truth be told I've tried my best But s...
Fallen [French translation]
Si le ciel pouvait se pencher sur moi et me conduire par la main à travers le feu ce serait la réponse tant attendue à un combat long et douloureux. E...
Fallen [German translation]
Himmel beug' dich, um meine Hand zu nehmen Und führe mich durch das Feuer Sei die lang ersehnte Antwort Auf einen langen und schmerzhaften Kampf Ehrli...
Fallen [Hungarian translation]
A Menyország lángol, fogd meg a kezem És vezess át a tűzön. Régóta várunk már a válaszra Ebben a hosszú és fájdalmas küzdelemben. Legjobb tudásom szer...
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