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Gary Numan lyrics
We're in the building where they make us grow And I'm frightened by the liquid engineers Like you My Mallory heart is sure to fail I could crawl aroun...
Metal [Polish translation]
Jesteśmy w budynku gdzie rozwiną nas I jestem przerażony przez przezroczystych inżynierów Jak ty Moje serce Mallory1 na pewno nawali Mógłbym czołgać s...
Are 'Friends' Electric lyrics
It's cold outside And the paint's peeling off of my walls There's a man outside In a long coat, grey hat, smoking a cigarette Now the light fades out ...
Are 'Friends' Electric [French translation]
Il fait froid dehors Et la peinture s'écaille de mes murs Il y a un homme dehors Dans une longue veste, un chapeau gris, fumant un cigarette Maintenan...
Are 'Friends' Electric [German translation]
Es ist kalt da draußen Und die Farbe blättert von meinen Wänden Da ist ein Mann draußen Im langen Mantel, grauen Hut, eine Zigarette rauchend Und nun ...
Broken lyrics
If you had seen You'd understand If you had seen You'll break like me If you had seen All the things that I've seen You'd scream like I screamed I kno...
Broken [Serbian translation]
Да си видела, разумела би. Да си видела, сломила би се као ја. Да си видела све оно што сам ја видео, вриштала би као што сам ја вриштао, знам. Да си ...
Cars lyrics
[Verse 1] Here in my car I feel safest of all I can lock all my doors It's the only way to live In cars Here in my car I can only receive I can listen...
Cars [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Ici, dans ma voiture Je me sens en sécurité de tout Je peux verrouiller toutes mes portes C'est la seule façon de vivre En voiture Ici, da...
Cars [Hebrew translation]
(בית 1) פה במכונית שלי אני מרגיש הכי מוגן אני יכול לנעול את כל הדלתות שלי זו הדרך היחידה לחיות במכוניות פה במכונית שלי אני יכול רק לקבל אני יכול להקשי...
Cars [Italian translation]
Qui, nella mia macchina Mi sento più al sicuro Posso chiudere tutte le mie porte È l'unico modo per vivere In macchine Qui, nella mia macchina Posso s...
Cars [Japanese translation]
[Verse 1] この車が 一番安全だと思う ドアを全てロックできる それが唯一の生存方法 車の中で この車では 受信だけが可能 あなたの声は聞ける 何日かはそれで平気 車の中で [Verse 2] 私の車は イメージが壊れる場所 訪ねてきてくれないか? 私がドアを開けたら 車の中へ 車の中で 思...
Cars [Romanian translation]
(Versul 1) Aici in masina mea Ma simt cel mai sigur Pot sa incui usile E singura cale de trait In masini Aici in masina mea Eu doar pot primii Pot sa ...
Cars [Serbian translation]
Овде у мојим колима осећам се безбедније него игде, могу да закључам сва врата, једино тако треба да се живи, у колима. Овде у мојим колима могу само ...
Cars [Spanish translation]
Aquí en mi carro Me siento el más seguro de todos Puedo cerrar todas mis puertas Es la única manera de vivir En los carros Aquí en mi carro Solo puedo...
Gary Numan - Down in the park
Down in the park where the machmen meet the machines and play 'kill by numbers' down in the park with a friend called 'five' I was in a car crash or w...
Down in the park [German translation]
Unten im Park Wo die Mach-Männer Auf Maschinen treffen Und "Mord nach Muster" spielen Unten im Park Mit einem Freund, der "fünf" heißt Ich hatte einen...
Films lyrics
I don't like the film I don't like the film Play it all back Play it all back And I don't like the scenery And I don't like the set so Pull it all dow...
Films [Turkish translation]
Filmi sevmiyorum Filmi sevmiyorum Hepsini geri sar Hepsini geri sar Ve dekoru sevmiyorum Ve seti de sevmiyorum bu yüzden Kaldırın hepsini Kaldırın hep...
I Am Dust lyrics
We were dust in a world of grim obsession. We were torn our life of isolation. We were pulled from the path of least resistance. And the songs we sang...
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