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Yazoo lyrics
Don't Go
Came in from the city Walked into the door I turned around when I heard The sound of footsteps on the floor Love just like addiction Now I'm hooked on...
Don't Go [Arabic translation]
قد جئت من [مركز] المدينة ودخلت الباب التفتّ عندما سمعت صوت الخطوات على الأرضيّة الحبّ مثل الإدمان تماما أنا متولّعة بك الآن أحتاج إلى بعض الوقت حتّى أ...
Don't Go [Croatian translation]
Došla sam iz grada Prošla kroz vrata Okrenula sam se kad sam čula Zvuk koraka na podu Ljubav je baš kao ovisnost Sad sam zapela za tebe Trebam neko vr...
Don't Go [French translation]
Je suis entré de la ville J'ai passé la porte Je me suis retourné quand j'ai entendu Le bruit de pas sur le sol J'adore juste comme une dépendance Et ...
Don't Go [Greek translation]
Ερχόμενη από την πόλη Μπαίνοντας από την πόρτα Γύρισα όταν άκουσα Τον ήχο των βημάτων στο πάτωμα Η αγάπη είναι ακριβώς όπως ο εθισμός Τώρα είμαι γαντζ...
Don't Go [Greek translation]
Ερχόμενος από την πόλη Μπαίνοντας από την πόρτα Γύρισα, όταν άκουσα Τον ήχο των βημάτων στο πάτωμα Η αγάπη ακριβώς όπως ο εθισμός Τώρα είμαι γαντζωμέν...
Don't Go [Polish translation]
Przyszłam z [centrum] miasta Weszłam w drzwi Obróciłam się, kiedy usłyszałam Odgłosy kroków na posadzce Miłość zupełnie jak nałóg Teraz jestem od Cieb...
Don't Go [Romanian translation]
Am venit din oraș, Am intrat pe ușă M-am răsucit când am auzit Sunetul pașilor pe podea. Iubirea e la fel ca dependența, Acum mă simt legată de tine, ...
Don't Go [Serbian translation]
Дошао из града ушао у врата Окренуо сам се када сам чуо звук корака на поду Љубав Баш као зависност сад сам се навукао на вас Треба ми мало времена да...
Don't Go [Turkish translation]
Şehirden geldim Kapıya doğru yürüdüm Duyduğumda arkama döndüm Zemindeki adım sesi Aşk bağımlılığa benzer Şimdi sana kancayı taktım Doğru anlamak için ...
Happy People lyrics
Take no notice 'cos I'm just the same There's a thousand other faces with the very same name And we look like each other, and we all live together. We...
Mr Blue lyrics
Winter sounds crying like an old man slowly dying And the only sound, the wind that fills the trees Even colder comes the moon And though it never see...
Mr Blue [Hungarian translation]
a tél egy nagy sikoly a dermesztő hidegben a szél zörög a száraz ágakon rideg fényt szór a Hold lopva jő a téli est és az utakra ráfagy az eső én vagy...
Nobody’s Diary lyrics
If I wait for just a second more, I know I'll forget what I came here for, My head was so full of things to say, But as I open my lips all my words sl...
Nobody’s Diary [German translation]
If I wait for just a second more, I know I'll forget what I came here for, My head was so full of things to say, But as I open my lips all my words sl...
Nobody’s Diary [Serbian translation]
If I wait for just a second more, I know I'll forget what I came here for, My head was so full of things to say, But as I open my lips all my words sl...
Nobody’s Diary [Turkish translation]
If I wait for just a second more, I know I'll forget what I came here for, My head was so full of things to say, But as I open my lips all my words sl...
Only You lyrics
Looking from a window above It's like a story of love, can you hear me? Came back only yesterday I'm moving farther away, want you near me All I neede...
Only You [Croatian translation]
Gledajući s prozora iznad To je priča o ljubavi, možeš li me čuti? Vratila sam se samo jučer Udaljavam se, želim te blizu sebe Sve što sam trebala je ...
Only You [Czech translation]
Dívám se z horního okna, je to jako příběh-patro lásky, rozumíš mi? Vrátila se teprve včera, stěhuji se o kus dál, chci tě blízko sebe. Stačila mi jen...
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