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Ultravox lyrics
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
[Chorus] Dancing with tears in my eyes Weeping for the memory of a life gone by Dancing with tears in my eyes Living out a memory of a love that died ...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Dutch translation]
[Refrein] Dansen met tranen in mijn ogen Huilen om de herinnering aan een leven voorbij gegaan Dansen met tranen in mijn ogen Een herinnering beleven ...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [French translation]
Danser avec des larmes dans les yeux Pleurer le souvenir d'une vie passée Danser avec des larmes dans les yeux Laisser de côté la mémoire d'un amour b...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [German translation]
(Refrain:) Ich tanze mit Tränen in den Augen Und weine der Erinnerung eines vergangenen Lebens hinterher Ich tanze mit Tränen in den Augen Und koste d...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Greek translation]
Χορεύοντας με δάκρυα στα μάτια μου Κλαίγοντας για την ανάμνηση μιας ζωής που πέρασε Χορεύοντας με δάκρυα στα μάτια μου Ζώντας όλο μας το χρόνο σε μια ...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Hungarian translation]
[Chorus] Könnyekkel telt szemmel táncolok, sírok egy elhaladt élet emlékéért. Könnyekkel telt szemmel táncolok, megélem egy halott szerelem emlékét. H...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Italian translation]
[Ritornello] Ballando con le lacrime agli occhi Piango il ricordo di una vita che finisce Ballando con le lacrime agli occhi Vivo il ricordo di un amo...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Persian translation]
[کروس] با چشمهای خیس از اشک میرقصم برای خاطرات یک زندگی از دست رفته گریه میکنم با چشمهای خیس از اشک میرقصم با خاطره عشقی که مرده عمرم رو سپری میکنم سا...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Polish translation]
[Refren] Tańcząc ze łzami w oczach Opłakuję pamięć o minionym życiu Tańcząc ze łzami w oczach Żyję wspomnieniem miłości, która umarła Jest piąta, a ja...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Portuguese translation]
[Refrão] Dançando com lágrimas em meus olhos Chorando pela memória de uma vida que há muito tempo se foi Dançando com lágrimas em meus olhos Vivendo u...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Romanian translation]
[Refren] Dansând cu lacrimi în ochi Plângând pentru amintirea unei vieţi duse Dansând cu lacrimi în ochi Trăind din amintirea unei dragoste moarte E c...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Russian translation]
(Припев) Я танцую со слезами на глазах Оплакивая воспомнинания из давно ушедшей жизни Я танцую со слезами на глазах Живя памятью об умершей любви Пять...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Serbian translation]
(Horus) Plešem sa suzama u očima Jecam za sećanjima na davno prošlo vreme Plešem sa suzama u očima Proživljavam sećanje na ljubav koja je umrla Pet je...
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Spanish translation]
[Coro] Bailando con lágrimas en mis ojos Llorando por el recuerdo de una vida pasada Bailando con lágrimas en mis ojos Viviendo un recuerdo de un amor...
Hiroshima Mon Amour lyrics
Somehow we drifted off too far Communicate like distant stars Splintered voices down the phone The sunlit dust, the smell of roses drifts, oh no Someo...
Hiroshima Mon Amour [German translation]
Irgendwie sind wir zu weit abgedriftet Kommunizieren wie weit entfernte Sterne Zersplitterte Stimmen am Telefon Der sonnenbeschienene Staub, der Duft ...
Hiroshima Mon Amour [Italian translation]
In qualche modo ci siamo allontanati troppo Si comunica come stelle distanti Voci scheggiate al telefono La polvere illuminata dal sole, il profumo de...
Hiroshima Mon Amour [Romanian translation]
Cumva am plecat prea departe comunicăm ca nişte stele îndepărtate Voci împrăștiate la telefon Praful luminat de soare, mirosul de trandafiri se îndepă...
Hymn lyrics
Give us this day all that you showed me The power and the glory till my kingdom comes Give us this day all that you showed me The power and the glory ...
Hymn [Spanish translation]
Danos en este dia todo lo que me mostraste, el poder y la gloria hasta que mi reino llegue. Danos en este día todo lo que me mostraste, el poder y la ...
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