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Jake Miller lyrics
Dazed and Confused
Ba da ba da ba da Ba da ba da got me feeling like Ba da ba da ba da (Yeah!) Ba da ba da ba da Look girl you got me faded Like I downed the whole bottl...
Astronaut lyrics
I've been awaiting all my life, waiting for your time, baby Half a million sleepless nights, just to feel your touch for a minute I know that I've bee...
Astronaut [Dutch translation]
Ik heb mijn hele leven gewacht, gewacht op jouw tijd, schat Een half miljoen slapeloze nachten, Gewoon om jou aanraking te voelen Ik weet dat ik er om...
Astronaut [French translation]
J'ai attendu toute ma vie, attendu que tu sois prête, bébé Un demi-million de nuits blanches, juste pour sentir tes mains sur moi pour une minute Je s...
Astronaut [Romanian translation]
Am așteptat toată viața mea, așteptând timpul tău, iubito O jumătate de milion de nopți nedormite, doar pentru a simți atingerea pentru un minut Știu ...
Astronaut [Russian translation]
Всю свою жизнь я ждал, времени от тебя, детка Полмиллиона бессонных ночей, чтобы лишь на миг почувствовать твое прикосновение Знаю, что молил об этом,...
Astronaut [Russian translation]
Я ждал всей своей жизни, ожидая в течение Вашего времени, любимого Полмиллиона бессонных ночей, только чтобы почувствовать Ваше прикосновение в течени...
Astronaut [Spanish translation]
He estado esperando toda mi vida, esperando tu tiempo, nena Medio millón de noches sin dormir, sólo para sentir tu toque por un minuto Sé que lo he es...
Back To Start lyrics
Let's take it back to the start When we were just kids in love Do you remember back in the start Before we started growin' up [Chorus] I wish we could...
Beast Mode lyrics
Yeah... It seems like the world is testing me Will I conquer, or will it get the best of me? Half of the world sees success in me The other half is se...
Collide lyrics
I'm falling out of the sky I feel so alive My heart ignites When our eyes collide Oh oh yeah Collide Oh oh yeah Collide Yeah Don't hold back, crash in...
Could've Been Me lyrics
This love's one-sided And I'm undecided if it working Shit ain't working And I'm in too deep Up shits creek, can't even, tried it I'm still fighting A...
Day Without Your Love lyrics
She took my heart when I was 15 I love everything about you And now I honestly can't see Going a single day without you [Hook] You are the air I breat...
Day Without Your Love [German translation]
Sie hat mir mein Herz gestohlen, als ich 15 Jahre alt war Ich liebe alles an dir Und jetzt kann ich es mir ehrlich nicht vorstellen, Auch nur einen ei...
Dead and Gone lyrics
Will you remember me? (Will you remember me?) When I'm dead and gone (When I'm dead and gone) When I'm dead and gone (When I'm dead and gone) When I'm...
Dead and Gone [French translation]
Est-ce que tu te souviendras de moi ? (Est-ce que tu te souviendras de moi ?) Quand je serai mort et enterré (Quand je serai mort et enterré) Quand je...
Dead and Gone [Polish translation]
Czy będziesz mnie pamiętać? (Czy będziesz mnie pamiętać?) Kiedy odejdę i będę martwy (Kiedy odejdę i będę martwy) Kiedy odejdę i będę martwy (Kiedy od...
First Flight Home lyrics
Yeah I hope you still remember what I look like I haven't seen you in a minute, Last night I had the kind of dream That you just don't wanna wake up f...
First Flight Home [Finnish translation]
Jeah Toivon että muistat vielä miltä minä näytän En ole nähnyt sinua minuuttiin, Viime yönä näin unta, Josta et vain halua herätä Ja se johtui siitä e...
First Flight Home [Greek translation]
Ναι Ελπίζω να θυμάσαι ακόμη πώς μοιάζω Δεν σε έχω δει Χθες βράδυ είχα αυτό το όνειρο Απ'το οποίο δεν θες να ξυπνήσεις Και αυτό επειδή ήσουν εσύ μέσα Ο...
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