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Gary Moore lyrics
Parisienne Walkways [Hungarian translation]
I remember Paris in '49. The Champs Elysee, Saint Michel, and old Beaujolais wine. And I recall that you were mine in those Parisienne days. Looking b...
Parisienne Walkways [Persian translation]
I remember Paris in '49. The Champs Elysee, Saint Michel, and old Beaujolais wine. And I recall that you were mine in those Parisienne days. Looking b...
Parisienne Walkways [Persian translation]
I remember Paris in '49. The Champs Elysee, Saint Michel, and old Beaujolais wine. And I recall that you were mine in those Parisienne days. Looking b...
Parisienne Walkways [Polish translation]
I remember Paris in '49. The Champs Elysee, Saint Michel, and old Beaujolais wine. And I recall that you were mine in those Parisienne days. Looking b...
Parisienne Walkways [Romanian translation]
I remember Paris in '49. The Champs Elysee, Saint Michel, and old Beaujolais wine. And I recall that you were mine in those Parisienne days. Looking b...
Parisienne Walkways [Russian translation]
I remember Paris in '49. The Champs Elysee, Saint Michel, and old Beaujolais wine. And I recall that you were mine in those Parisienne days. Looking b...
Parisienne Walkways [Serbian translation]
I remember Paris in '49. The Champs Elysee, Saint Michel, and old Beaujolais wine. And I recall that you were mine in those Parisienne days. Looking b...
Parisienne Walkways [Spanish translation]
I remember Paris in '49. The Champs Elysee, Saint Michel, and old Beaujolais wine. And I recall that you were mine in those Parisienne days. Looking b...
Parisienne Walkways [Turkish translation]
I remember Paris in '49. The Champs Elysee, Saint Michel, and old Beaujolais wine. And I recall that you were mine in those Parisienne days. Looking b...
Picture Of The Moon lyrics
Picture of the moon You gave to me that night. The stars were out to play, The moon was shining bright. If only I had known That it would end so soon....
Picture Of The Moon [Dutch translation]
Foto van de maan gaf jij mij die nacht De sterren speelden buiten, De maan scheen helder Als ik alleen maar had geweten Dat het zo snel afgelopen zou ...
Picture Of The Moon [French translation]
(C'est) un tableau naturel de la lune Que tu me l'a offert cette nuit là. Les étoiles étaient sorties pour jouer, La lune brillait et était lumineuse....
Picture Of The Moon [Hungarian translation]
Kép a Holdról te adtad nekem azon az éjszakán A csillagok fent voltak a Hold fényesen ragyogott Ha tudtam volna hogy ilyen hamar vége lehet Engem otth...
Picture Of The Moon [Romanian translation]
Tabloul lunii Mi l-ai dat in acea seara. Stelele se jucau pe cer Luna stralucea. Daca as fi stiut Ca se va termina asa curand. Am ramas doar cu un tab...
Picture Of The Moon [Serbian translation]
Slika meseca Koju si mi dala te noći. Zvezde su se igrale napolju, Mesec je sijao jarko. Da sam samo znao Da će se tako brzo završiti. Bio sam ostavlj...
Separate Ways lyrics
What is it that you want from me? I really wish I knew. I try so hard to do my best, but it's not good enough for you. Over and over again we will mak...
Separate Ways [Bulgarian translation]
Какво искаш от мен? Наистина ми се щеше да знам. Старая се да дам най-доброто от себе си, но това не е достатъчно за теб. Отново и отново ще допускаме...
Separate Ways [Hungarian translation]
Mi az, amit akarsz tőlem? Azt kívánom, bárcsak tudnám Nagyon erősen próbálkozok, hogy megtegyek mindent De ez nem elég jó neked Újra és újra El fogjuk...
Separate Ways [Serbian translation]
Šta je to što želiš od mene? Stvarno želim da znam. Trudim se najbolje što mogu, ali to nije dovoljno za tebe. Ponovo i opet ponovo mi pravimo iste gr...
Gary Moore - Spanish Guitar
As I sit here and play My Spanish guitar Underneath the stars It passes the time away Each note I play Is a memory of Spain The melodies they take me ...
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