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Massive Attack lyrics
Pray For Rain [Spanish translation]
En el vacío más profunde de nuestras mentes Un fracaso del sistema abandonado Y sus cuellos se estiran Mientras se dan vuelta para rezar por lluvia Y ...
Pray For Rain [Ukrainian translation]
У найглибшій глибині наших думок Збій системи відходить на другий план І їх шиї повернуться Коли вони звернуться у молитві о дощ І їх шиї повернуться ...
Protection lyrics
This girl I know needs some shelter She don't believe anyone can help her She's doing so much harm, doing so much damage But you don't want to get inv...
Protection [French translation]
Cette fille que je connais a besoin d'un abri, Elle ne croit pas que qui que ce soit puisse l'aider Elle cause tant de douleur, cause tant de dommages...
Protection [German translation]
Dieses Mädchen welches ich kenne braucht etwas Schutz Sie glaubt nicht, dass ihr jemand helfen kann Sie verursacht so viel Unglück, so viel Verletzung...
Protection [Greek translation]
Ένα κορίτσι που ξέρω χρειάζεται καταφύγιο Δεν πιστεύει ότι κανείς μπορεί να τη βοηθήσει Κάνει τόσο κακό, τόση ζημιά Αλλά δε θες να μπλεχτείς Της λες ό...
Protection [Hungarian translation]
A lánynak, akit ismerek, fedezékre van szüksége Nem hiszi, hogy bárki képes lenne segíteni neki Annyira sok sérelmet és kárt okoz De te nem akarsz bel...
Protection [Italian translation]
Questa ragazza che conosco ha bisogno di protezione lei non crede che nessuno possa aiutarla lei sta abbattendo ogni obiettivo, causando tanti danni m...
Protection [Spanish translation]
Esta chica que conozco necesita refugio Cree que nadie le puede ayudar Está haciendo tanto dano, tanto perjuicio Pero no quieres involucrarte Le dices...
Protection [Turkish translation]
Biliyorum biraz sığınmaya ihtiyacı var bu kızın Ona birisinin yardım edebileceğine inanmıyor Çok fazla zarar veriyor, çok fazla hasar veriyor Ama bula...
Psyche lyrics
I'm looking for you in the woods tonight, I'm looking Looking for you with my flashlight, I'm searching From in the high or down the ocean And I pace ...
Psyche [French translation]
Je suis en train de te chercher au bois cette nuit, je suis en train de chercher De te chercher avec ma lampe de poche, je suis en train de chercher D...
Psyche [German translation]
Ich suche dich heute im Wald, ich suche Suche dich mit meinem Leuchtfeuer, ich suche In der Höhe oder unten im Ozean Und ich halte die Geschwindigkeit...
Psyche [Spanish translation]
Te estoy buscando en el bosque esta noche, estoy buscando Buscandote con mi linterna, estoy buscando De la altura o abajo en el océano Lentamente en l...
Risingson lyrics
3D: I've seen you go down to a cold mirror It was never clearer in my era, so You lick a shine upon your forehead or Check it by the signs in the corr...
Risingson [Hungarian translation]
I've seen you go down to a cold mirror It was never clearer in my era, so You lick a shine upon your forehead or Check it by the signs in the corridor...
Ritual Spirit lyrics
Who'll mend this broke beat star, Who's strength do I speak of Climbing deep burning, Climbing deeper, Kinda deep burning. Who's words that I spoke no...
Ritual Spirit [Spanish translation]
¿Quién arreglará esta rota y golpeada estrella? ¿De quién es esa fuerza de la que hablo? Asciende, ardiendo intensamente Ascendiendo intensamente, Ard...
Ritual Spirit [Turkish translation]
Kim bu parasız yenik yıldızı onaracak, Kimin gücünden bahsediyorum Tırmanıyor derine yanıyor, Daha derine tırmanıyor, Biraz derin yanıyor. Şimdi konuş...
Safe From Harm lyrics
[Shara Nelson] Midnight ronkers City slickers Gunmen and maniacs All will feature on the freakshow And I can't do nothing 'bout that, no But if you hu...
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