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Massive Attack lyrics
Live With Me [Spanish translation]
No importa cuando te das vuelta Voy a sobrevivir Uno vive y aprende Estuve pensando en ti, bebé En la luz de la madrugada Un azul de medianoche, día y...
Live With Me [Turkish translation]
Sen döndüğünde, önemli değil Hayatta kalacağım, Yaşar ve öğrenirsin Seni düşünüyordum, bebeğim Şafağın aydınlığında Bir geceyarısı hüznü, gündüz ve ge...
One Love lyrics
It's you I love and not another And I know our love will last forever You I love and not another And I know we'll always be together Some men have one...
Paradise Circus lyrics
It's unfortunate that when we feel a storm We can roll ourselves over 'cause we're uncomfortable Oh well, the devil makes us sin But we like it when w...
Paradise Circus [Bulgarian translation]
За жалост когато почувстваме буря можем да се разменим, защото ни е неудобно е, Дявола ни кара да грешим но ни харесва когато се въртим в ръцете му Лю...
Paradise Circus [Croatian translation]
Loša je sreća što se kad osjetimo oluju Možemo prebaciti na drugu stranu jer nam nije udobno Oh dobro, đavo nas tjera na grijehe Ali sviđa nam se kad ...
Paradise Circus [French translation]
C'est regrettable que quand nous sentons une tempête Nous pouvons nous retourner car nous sommes mal à l'aise Oh bien, le diable nous fait pécher Mais...
Paradise Circus [German translation]
Es ist bedauerlich, dass wir uns, wenn wir einen Sturm nahen fühlen Umdrehen können, weil wir uns nicht wohlfühlen Nun ja, der Teufel lässt uns sündig...
Paradise Circus [Greek translation]
Είναι λυπηρό που όταν νιώθουμε την καταιγίδα Μπορούμε και στριφογυρνάμε επειδή νιώθουμε άβολα Λοιπόν, ο διάβολος μας σπρώχνει στην αμαρτία Αλλά το απο...
Paradise Circus [Hungarian translation]
Sajnos, ha vihart érzünk Átfordulunk a másik oldalunkra, mert kényelmetlen Az ördög bűnre bíztat minket De mi szeretünk a markában forogni A szerelem ...
Paradise Circus [Italian translation]
E’ una sfortuna che quando sentiamo una tempesta possiamo rotolarci su noi stessi perché siamo a disagio oh dove il diavolo ci fa peccare ma ci piace ...
Paradise Circus [Polish translation]
To niefortunne, że kiedy czujemy burzę Możemy się przewrócić, bo jest nam niekomfortowo Oh cóż, diabeł robi z nas grzeszników Ale lubimy być owijani w...
Paradise Circus [Spanish translation]
Es desdichado cuando sentimos una tormenta podemos envolvernos cuando estamos incomodos pues bien, el demonio nos hace pecar pero, nos gusta cuando da...
Paradise Circus [Turkish translation]
Ne yazıktır ki bir taş parçası hissetsek, rahatsız olup da kenara çekilebiliriz. 1 Böyle işte, şeytan bize günah işletir Ama biz onun değirmenine su t...
Paradise Circus [Turkish translation]
Fırtınayı hissediyor oluşumuz şanssızlık, Bu durumdan kurtulabiliriz, çünkü rahatsız hissediyoruz. Ne hoş! Şeytan bize günah işletiyor. Ama onun pençe...
Paradise Circus [Vietnamese translation]
Thật đáng tiếc rằng đôi ta cảm nhận được cơn bão giông đang cận kề Đôi ta có thể đảo lộn qua vì thật không dễ chịu chút nào cả Thế thôi, quỷ dữ khiến ...
Pray For Rain lyrics
In deepest hollow of our minds A system failure left behind And their necks crane As they turn to pray for rain And their necks crane Dull residue of ...
Pray For Rain [French translation]
Dans la cuvette la plus profonde de nos têtes Un échec laissé derrière Et leurs cous se tendent Quand ils tournent pour prier pour de la pluie Et leur...
Pray For Rain [German translation]
In der tiefsten Höhle unserer Köpfe Ein zurückgelassenes Systemversagen Und ihre Hälse strecken sich Während sie sich umdrehen, um für Regen zu beten ...
Pray For Rain [Italian translation]
Nei più profondi recessi delle nostre menti Il fallimento di un sistema [giace] abbandonato E allungano il collo girandosi per pregare che piova E all...
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