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Massive Attack lyrics
Come Near Me lyrics
We've been here before, don't fear me Don't stand by the door, come near me We've been here before, don't fear me Don't stand by the door, come near m...
Come Near Me [French translation]
Nous avons été ici déjà Ne reste pas chez la porte, rapproche-toi à moi Nous avons été ici déjà Ne reste pas chez la porte, rapproche-toi à moi Pensée...
Come Near Me [German translation]
Wir waren schon einmal hier, fürchte mich nicht Bleib nicht an der Tür stehen, komm in meine Nähe Wir waren schon einmal hier, fürchte mich nicht Blei...
Come Near Me [Italian translation]
Siamo già stati qui, non avere paura di me Non restare alla porta, avvicinati a me Siamo già stati qui, non avere paura di me Non restare alla porta, ...
Come Near Me [Spanish translation]
Hemos estado aquí antes, no me temas No te quedes en la puerta, ven acércate a mí Hemos estado aquí antes, no me temas No te quedes en la puerta, ven ...
Come Near Me [Turkish translation]
Buraya daha önce gelmiştik, korkma benden Kapının yanında durma, yanıma gel Buraya daha önce gelmiştik, korkma benden Kapının yanında durma, yanıma ge...
Dissolved girl lyrics
Shame, such a shame I think I kind of lost myself again Day, yesterday Really should be leaving but I stay Say, say my name I need a little love to ea...
Dissolved girl [Croatian translation]
Šteta, baš šteta... Mislim da sam opet izgubila samu sebe. Dan, jučer, zbilja sam trebala otići ali sam ostala. Kaži, kaži moje ime, trebam malo ljuba...
Dissolved girl [French translation]
Dommage, quel dommage Je crois que je me suis perdu encore une fois Jour, hier Je devrais y aller vraiment, mais je reste Dis, dis mon nom J'ai besoin...
Dissolved girl [German translation]
Schade, wie schade Ich glaube, ich habe mich irgendwie wieder verloren Tag, gestern Ich sollte wirklich gehen, aber ich bleibe Sag, sag meinen Namen I...
Dissolved girl [Greek translation]
Ντροπή,Τι Κρίμα Νομίζω κατα κάποιον τρόπο έχασα πάλι τον εαυτόν μου (Μια)Μέρα, Χθες Πραγματικά έπρεπε να φύγω μα έμεινα Πες,πες το όνομά μου Χρειάζομα...
Dissolved girl [Italian translation]
Vergogna, che vergogna Credo di essermi persa di nuovo Giorno, ieri In realtà dovrei partire, ma rimango Dì il mio nome Ho bisogno di un po' di amore ...
Dissolved girl [Russian translation]
Позор, такой позор Я думаю, что теряю себя вновь Днём, вчерашним днём Я должна была уйти, но остаюсь Скажи, скажи моё имя Мне нужно немного любви, что...
Dissolved girl [Spanish translation]
Lástima, qué lástima Creo que me he vuelto a perder Día, ayer Realmente debería irme pero me quedo Dí, dí mi nombre Necesito un poco de amor para calm...
Dissolved girl [Turkish translation]
Utanç, ki ne utanç Galiba bir şekilde kendimi tekrar kaybediyorum Gün, dün Gerçekten gidiyor olmalıyım ama kalıyorum Söyle, adımı söyle Acıyı dindirme...
Everywhen lyrics
My love Your light Incantations Struck stars Like tears fall The sequence ends Downtime God speed Everywhen We concede The sequence ends And begins Ev...
Everywhen [French translation]
Mon amour Ta lumière Des incantations Des étoiles frappées Tombent comme des larmes La séquence finit Temps mort Dieu vous garde Chaque quand Nous con...
Everywhen [German translation]
Meine Liebe Dein Licht Zaubersprüche Ergriffene Sterne Fallen wie Tränen Die Sequenz endet Ausfallzeit Geh mit Gott In jedem Wenn Kapitulieren wir Die...
Everywhen [Italian translation]
Il mio amore La tua luce Incanti Raggiungono le stelle Come una lacrima cade La sequenza termina Downtime (inattività) Buona fortuna Ogniquando Ammett...
Everywhen [Spanish translation]
Mi amor Tu luz Ensalmos Estrellas golpeadas Caen como lágrimas La secuencia se acaba Tiempo muerto Vaya con dios Cada cuando Concedemos La secuencia s...
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