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Wet Wet Wet lyrics
Love Is All Around
I feel it in my fingers I feel it in my toes Your love is all around me And so the feeling grows It's written on the wind It's everywhere I go [oh yes...
Love Is All Around [Croatian translation]
Osjećam je u prstima Osjećam je u nožnim prstima Tvoja ljubav je svuda oko mene I tako osjećaj raste Zapisana je u vjetru Svugdje je gdje idem (o da, ...
Love Is All Around [Dutch translation]
Ik voel het in mijn vingers Ik voel het in mijn tenen Jouw liefde omringt mij En dus groeit het gevoel Het is geschreven in de wind Het is overal waar...
Love Is All Around [French translation]
Je le sens dans mes doigts Je le sens dans mes orteils Ton amour est tout autour de moi Et donc le sentiment grandi C'est écrit dans le vent C'est par...
Love Is All Around [German translation]
Ich spüre es in meinen Fingern Ich spüre es in meinen Zehen Die Liebe ist überall um mich herum Und daher wächst das Gefühl Es steht im Wind geschrieb...
Love Is All Around [Greek translation]
Το νιώθω στα δάκτυλα μου Το νιώθω στα δάκτυλα των ποδιών μου Η αγάπη σου είναι παντού γύρω μου Και έτσι το συναίσθημα μου μεγαλώνει Είναι γραμμένο στο...
Love Is All Around [Hungarian translation]
Érzem az ujjaimban, Érzem a lábujjaimban, Szerelmed körülvesz, És ez az érzés csak növekszik. Meg van írva a szélben, Ott van mindeütt, ahová megyek (...
Love Is All Around [Romanian translation]
O simt în degetele de la mâini, O simt în degetele de la picioare, Dragostea ta e pretutindeni în jurul meu Şi astfel sentimentul creşte. E scris în v...
Love Is All Around [Serbian translation]
Osećam u prstima na rukama Osećam u prstima na nogama Ljubav je svuda oko mene i tako osećanje raste Ispisano je na vetru Gde god da krenem - tamo je ...
Love Is All Around [Thai translation]
ฉันรู้สึกได้จากสัมผัสของปลายนิ้วมือของฉัน ฉันรู้สึกได้จากสัมผัสของปลายนิ้วเท้าของฉัน ความรักอยู่รอบ ๆ ตัวฉัน และความรู้สึกนั้นก็ยิ่งเพิ่มมากขึ้น ความร...
Goodnight Girl lyrics
You hear me so clearly And see how I try You feel me, so heal me And tear me apart And I won't tell a soul I won't tell at all And do they have to kno...
Goodnight Girl [Romanian translation]
Mă auzi atât de bine Şi vezi cât încerc, Mă simţi aşa că vindecă-mă Şi distruge-mă! Şi nu voi spune nimănui, Nu voi spune deloc Şi trebuie să se afle ...
If I Never See You Again lyrics
The morning light comes stealing To start a new day Out there the world is waiting To take us far away And it's time to make The final break But the m...
If I Never See You Again [Hungarian translation]
Beoson a reggeli fény akár egy tolvaj Hogy egy új nap kezdődhessen el Odakint a világ várakozik Hogy messzire vigyen minket És itt az ideje Hogy megtö...
If I Never See You Again [Turkish translation]
sabahın ışıkları gelir yeni bir günü başlatmaya orada dünya bekliyor bizi çok uzaklara almaya ve şimdi son bir ara zamanı ama hatıralar sonsuza kadar ...
Julia Says lyrics
Here we go again, through the back streets of my mind It seems my life was standing still Who's sorry now, it's funny how I didn't know it Here we go ...
Julia Says [Romanian translation]
Here we go again, through the back streets of my mind It seems my life was standing still Who's sorry now, it's funny how I didn't know it Here we go ...
Put the Light On lyrics
He sits alone in a crowded station And lights his cigarette The light flickers slightly And tells him politely His life's not at its best She weighs h...
Somewhere Somehow lyrics
If you're there and you care And you listen very careful, darling You'll hear my prayer And if you hear, loud and clear You would get a million kisses...
Somewhere Somehow [Romanian translation]
Dacă eşti acolo şi îţi pasă Şi asculţi foarte atentă , dragă Vei auzi rugăciunea mea Şi dacă auzi, tare şi clar Vei primi un milion de săruturi de la ...
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