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Dmitry Pevtsov also performed lyrics
Vladimir Vysotsky - Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye]
Вдоль обрыва, по-над пропастью, по самому по краю Я коней своих нагайкою стегаю — погоняю, — Что-то воздуху мне мало — ветер пью, туман глотаю, Чую с ...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [Bulgarian translation]
По ръба на пропастта, над възхитителната урва аз конете си с нагайка зашлевявам – и ги втурвам. Нещо въздух не достига: гълтам облак, пия буря... Чувс...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [Czech translation]
Kolem srázů, nad propastmi, po samém okraji, koně mé nagajka šlehá - popohání, vzduchu mi nějak schází - vítr piji, mlhu hltám, cítím v hubícím veselí...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
O’er the rockface, o’er the precipice, along the edge, the margin I lash steeds with my nagaika whip, I urge them further onward Seems like short I’ve...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
Along the cliff, on the brink of the abyss, I brace And whip my horses into the frenzied race. Gasping for air, I swallow fog, drink of the wind I cha...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
Ona cliff, above precipice, along the very edge of it I am whipping my fast horses with a lash, I drive them forward I can feel the lack of air,I drin...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
Along the cliffs of the abyss, at the very edge and border I am lashing at my horses - driving harder, pushing forward - I feel a shortness in my brea...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
O'er a sheer drop, up against the void, along the very border, I am lashing wayward horses with a horsewhip, urging on them: Getting somehow out of ai...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
Along the cliff, over the precipice, on the very edge I keep flogging with a whip my horses - drive them to a pace,- Somewhat air not enough for me- I...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
On a rugged cliff, the very edge, above the endless chasm I keep lashing at my horses with my whip clenched in a spasm But the air is growing thinner,...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
Along the cliff, above the abyss, on the very edge I whip my horses- I rush them Somehow I don't have enough air- I drink the wind, swallow the fog, I...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [Finnish translation]
Jyrkänteellä, reunalla rotkon, partaalla kuilun Hevosia ruoskalla ruoskin, piiskaan, hoputan. Loppuu multa ilma, juon tuulta, nielen usvaa, Nautin, ko...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [Finnish translation]
Pitkin jyrkännettä, kuilun partaalla, aivan reunalla Minä piiskaan hevosiani, hoputan niitä. On jotenkin vaikea hengittää - juon tuulta, nieleksin sum...
Soviet Movie Songs - Белой акации гроздья душистые [Beloy akatsii grozd’ya dushistye]
Целую ночь соловей нам насвистывал, Город молчал и молчали дома. Белой акации гроздья душистые Ночь напролет нас сводили с ума. Белой акации гроздья д...
Белой акации гроздья душистые [Beloy akatsii grozd’ya dushistye] [English translation]
A nightingale sang for us then for that whole night Our town was hushed, silent buildings stood tall And the acacia tree with its blooms so white And ...
Белой акации гроздья душистые [Beloy akatsii grozd’ya dushistye] [English translation]
Entire night nightingale had trilled for us Silent was town and the buildings stood still White acacia blooms intoxicating fragrance All through the n...
Белой акации гроздья душистые [Beloy akatsii grozd’ya dushistye] [English translation]
All night along, there were nightingale singing, The town was silent, and silent were homes, All night along, white acacia blossoms Made us obsessed w...
Белой акации гроздья душистые [Beloy akatsii grozd’ya dushistye] [Norwegian translation]
Nattergalen har sunget for oss hele natten, Byen var taus og husene stille. De duftende klasene på den hvite akasien Har natten igjennom gjort oss for...
Белой акации гроздья душистые [Beloy akatsii grozd’ya dushistye] [Polish translation]
Całą noc słowik nam śpiewał Miasto milczało i milczały domy Białej akacji pąki pachnące Całą noc doprowadzały nas do szału Białej akacji pąki pachnące...
Белой акации гроздья душистые [Beloy akatsii grozd’ya dushistye] [Portuguese translation]
A noite inteira o rouxinol cantou para nós, A cidade calou-se e calaram-se as casas... Ramos cheirosos de acácia A noite inteira nos fizeram enlouquec...
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