Vladimir Vysotsky - Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye]
Вдоль обрыва, по-над пропастью, по самому по краю
Я коней своих нагайкою стегаю — погоняю, —
Что-то воздуху мне мало — ветер пью, туман глотаю,
Чую с ...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [Czech translation]
Kolem srázů, nad propastmi, po samém okraji,
koně mé nagajka šlehá - popohání,
vzduchu mi nějak schází - vítr piji, mlhu hltám,
cítím v hubícím veselí...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
O’er the rockface, o’er the precipice, along the edge, the margin
I lash steeds with my nagaika whip, I urge them further onward
Seems like short I’ve...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
Along the cliff, on the brink of the abyss, I brace
And whip my horses into the frenzied race.
Gasping for air, I swallow fog, drink of the wind I cha...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
Ona cliff, above precipice, along the very edge of it
I am whipping my fast horses with a lash, I drive them forward
I can feel the lack of air,I drin...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
O'er a sheer drop, up against the void, along the very border,
I am lashing wayward horses with a horsewhip, urging on them:
Getting somehow out of ai...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [English translation]
Along the cliff, above the abyss, on the very edge
I whip my horses- I rush them
Somehow I don't have enough air- I drink the wind, swallow the fog,
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [Finnish translation]
Jyrkänteellä, reunalla rotkon, partaalla kuilun
Hevosia ruoskalla ruoskin, piiskaan, hoputan.
Loppuu multa ilma, juon tuulta, nielen usvaa,
Nautin, ko...
Кони привередливые [Koni priveredlivye] [Finnish translation]
Pitkin jyrkännettä, kuilun partaalla, aivan reunalla
Minä piiskaan hevosiani, hoputan niitä.
On jotenkin vaikea hengittää - juon tuulta, nieleksin sum...
Белой акации гроздья душистые [Beloy akatsii grozd’ya dushistye] [English translation]
All night along, there were nightingale singing,
The town was silent, and silent were homes,
All night along, white acacia blossoms
Made us obsessed w...