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Dead by April lyrics
Perfect The Way You Are [Italian translation]
Tu hai cio che gli altri non hanno il cuore e reale asciuga le tue lacrime e lasciale splendere perche tu sei fantastica guarda il tuo sorriso e non c...
Perfect The Way You Are [Turkish translation]
Onların sahip olmadığı şeye sahipsin Senin kalbin doğru Göz yaşlarını sil Ve parlamasına izin ver Çünkü sen harikasın Şu gülümsemene bak Ve hiçbir şey...
Playing with Fire lyrics
Here I am, once again Another lesson learned, the bridges that I've burned As my lungs fill up with smoke I'm starting to suffocate, fighting to stay ...
Promise me lyrics
Into the fire on my own, hey I know I wont see your face again, hey Are you sitting there alone, hey Are you thinking like me of the laughing times, o...
Promise me [Arabic translation]
في النار لوحدي أعلم انني لن أرى وجهكي مرة أخرى هل تجلسين هناك وحيدة؟ هل تفكرين مثلي في اوقات الضحك, من كل أوقات الحب والحزن كل ما تبقا منا يتلاشى بعيد...
Promise me [Greek translation]
Μέσα στη φωτιά μόνος μου, έι Ξέρω πως δε θα ξαναδώ το πρόσωπο σου, έι Κάθεσαι εκεί μόνη, έι Σκέφτεσαι τις στιγμές που γελούσαμε, όλες τις στενάχωρες κ...
Promise me [Italian translation]
In mezzo al fuoco da solo, hey so che non rivedrò più il tuo viso, hey sei seduta lì da sola, hey Stai ripensando come me alle risate, a tutti i momen...
Promise me [Serbian translation]
Сам у ватри, хеј Знам да нећу поново видети твоје лице, хеј Да ли седиш тамо сама, хеј Да ли, као ја, мислиш о временима смеха, о свим тужним и љубавн...
Promise me [Spanish translation]
En el fondo de mi corazón sé que no te volveré a ver. Estás sola ahí sentada. Estás pensando igual que yo en los momentos alegres, y en los tristes y ...
Real & True lyrics
You are pushing my patience, so there's no know I'm sick and tired of being denied all by you Hurting me (hurting me) Breaking me (breaking me) Hurtin...
Replace You lyrics
I walk on my own to think it over I can't believe this is real It all seems so clear All seems so right I can't put on words how I feel In time you'll...
Replace You [Russian translation]
Я иду один, чтобы все хорошенько обдумать. Я не могу поверить, что все это на самом деле. Все кажется настолько ясным, Все кажется таким правильным, Я...
Same Star lyrics
I want it to be much more Than a fading distant memory of the two of us I keep our picture by the bed We're greyed out bit I'll not give up on us, no ...
Sorry for Everything lyrics
Sometimes you've said I didn't listen to your words That I even made you cry Maybe I didn't show in every possible way how much I cared I'm sorry for ...
Sorry for Everything [Greek translation]
Μερικές φορές έλεγες Δεν άκουγα τα λόγια σου Ότι ακόμα σε εκανα να κλάψεις Μάλλον δεν έδειξα με κάθε πιθανό τρόπο Πόσο νοιάστηκα Συγγνώμη που δεν ημου...
Sorry for Everything [Italian translation]
Alcune volte mi hai detto che non ti ascoltavo che ti avevo fatto persino piangere forse non ho dimostrato in ogni modo possibile quanto tenessi a te ...
Stronger lyrics
For so many years I've tried to complete What I once started But something was always here holding me back from it Kept me from making it happen It's ...
This Is My Life lyrics
For your tomorrow, I gave my today For your tomorrow, I gave my today It's not a matter of losing, it's not a matter of winning It's just a matter of ...
Too Late lyrics
I've been running all night long And the pulse is pounding in my chest Now I am here There are feelings that I just must express Open for me I am stan...
Trapped lyrics
Cause' of you, I'm lying awake at night. But I'm seeing our pictures of you, as I close my eyes, I fade my way into the last of my dream world... It's...
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