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Dead by April lyrics
Losing you [Russian translation]
Мой разум и тело – все это ты, Я бы умер, если бы умерли мы. Что чувствую я и почему? Без тебя от боли я просто умру. Ты – это все, что есть у меня, Т...
Losing you [Russian translation]
Всё что есть во мне, в моём разуме – это ты. Я бы умер, если бы всё разрушилось. Что я чувствую сейчас и куда направляюсь, Я потерялся среди боли, Так...
Losing you [Serbian translation]
Sta imam u sebi, u mojim mislima si ti Umro bih ako bi sa nama bilo gotovo Ono sto osecam sada, ono kuda idem Izgubljen sam u bolu bez tebe Tako hladn...
Losing you [Turkish translation]
İçimde, zihnimde bir sen varsın Ayrılırsak ölürüm Şu an tüm hissettiğim Şu an tüm maruz kaldığım Sensizlikle acının içinde kayboldum Bu soğukluk, yaln...
Lost lyrics
As I'm waking up blind, I am trapped in a mind-fall So much regrets, so much feelings are passing through my mind It feels like my whole existence is ...
Memory lyrics
[Verse 1: Christopher Kristensen & Pontus Hjelm] I'm looking at an old photograph What a worn-out memory still causing butterflies in me How can I for...
Memory [Greek translation]
Κοιτάζω μια παλιά φωτογραφία Τι ξεθωριασμένη ανάμνηση που ακόμα μου προκαλεί πεταλούδες Πώς να ξεχάσω αυτές τις λέξεις που γκρέμισαν ολόκληρο τον κόσμ...
More Than Yesterday lyrics
YEAH, yeah You feel the grass is always greener And the tears I left behind To know I can take my freedom And my heart isn't next to line With you the...
My Heart Is Crushable lyrics
I am, I am breakable I am breakable I've got the scars to prove it all Do you know what it's like to be buried alive? I throw myself against the wall ...
My Saviour lyrics
So there you were, Alone with those amazing eyes, Like an angel brought to life, You have my destiny. I’m free! You are my Saviour! I’m free! You are ...
My Saviour [Greek translation]
Λοιπόν εκεί ήσουν Μόνη με αυτά τα καταπληκτικά μάτια Σαν άγγελος που ήρθε στην ζωή Έχεις την μοίρα μου Είμαι ελεύθερος! Είσαι ο σωτήρας μου! Είμαι ελε...
My Saviour [Turkish translation]
Işte burdaydın, bu şaşırtıcı gözlerle yalnız başına, Yaşayan bir melek gibi, Sen benim kaderimsin. Özgürüm! Sen benim Kurtarıcımsın! Özgürüm! Sen rehb...
My Tomorrow lyrics
I've been thinking about taking the easy way out Used, beaten, disposed, it's tempting I've been told it's too selfish Gotta fight til the finish, tha...
Mystery lyrics
Thought it’d be easy, now it’s getting critical You’re out of my life now, it’s unbelievable The more things change they stay the same Thought I could...
Mystery [Finnish translation]
Luulin sen olevan helppoa, nyt siitä on tulossa kriittistä Olet nyt poissa elämästäni, se on uskomatonta Mitä enemmän asiat muuttuvat, sitä samanlaise...
Mystery [Greek translation]
Νόμιζα πως θα ήταν εύκολο, τώρα γίνεται κρίσιμο Είσαι έξω από τη ζωή μου τώρα, είναι απίστευτο Όσο περισσότερο αλλάζουν τα πράγματα τόσο μένουν ίδια Ν...
Our Worlds Collide lyrics
Watching the flames fill up the sky When the world is on fire, we need to remember who we are We're losing grip bit by bit, is it worth fighting for i...
Painting Shadows lyrics
What if I told you there is no tomorrow? What if you watch me walk away by tomorrow? So how many times do I have to fail before I understand who I am?...
Peace of Mind lyrics
Staying within your comfort zone May feel saved, but it can have you fooled It's treacherous It's deceiving You will not achieve peace of mind if you ...
Perfect The Way You Are lyrics
You have what they don't Your heart is true So dry your tears And let it shine through 'Cause you're amazing Look at you smiling And don't change anyt...
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