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The Magnetic Fields lyrics
Blue You lyrics
The moon was singing the blues The stars in the sky harmonized singing it too and I, far below was singing low and slow for you and I know all the wor...
Blue You [French translation]
La lune chantait le blues Les étoiles dans le ciel, en harmonie, Le chantaient aussi Et moi, loin en-dessous, Je chantais lentement à voix basse Pour ...
Blue You [Italian translation]
La luna cantava il blues Le stelle nel cielo armonizzavano Anche loro lo cantavano E io, molto più in basso Cantavo piano e lentamente Per te E so Che...
Boa Constrictor lyrics
I spend my evenings alone talking to your picture, babe Love is wrapped around my heart like a boa constrictor, babe My mother should have murdered me...
Boa Constrictor [French translation]
Je passe mes soirées seul À parler à ta photo, chéri L'amour est enroulé autour de mon coeur Tel un boa constricteur, chéri Ma mère aurait dû m'assass...
Boa Constrictor [Italian translation]
Passo le serate da solo Parlando alla tua foto, tesoro L'amore si avvinghia attorno al mio cuore Come un boa costrittore, tesoro Mia madre avrebbe dov...
Boa Constrictor [Polish translation]
Spędzam wieczory samotnie, rozmawiając z twoim zdjęciem, kochanie. Miłość jest owinięta wokół mojego serca jak boa dusiciel, kochanie. Moja matka powi...
Boa Constrictor [Serbian translation]
Provodim večeri sam Pričajući sa tvojom slikom, dušo Ljubav je obmotana oko moga srca Kao carski udav, dušo Majka me je trebala ubiti Koja bi je porot...
Boa Constrictor [Spanish translation]
Paso mis noches a solas Hablando con tu foto, nena El amor está envuelto alrededor de mi corazón Como una boa constrictora, nena Mi madre debería habe...
Born On A Train lyrics
Some roads are only seen at night. Ghost roads, nothing but neon signs. But some nights the neon gas gets free And turns into walking dead like me. An...
Born On A Train [French translation]
Certaines routes ne peuvent être vues que la nuit Des routes fantômes, rien à part des enseignes au néon Mais certaines nuits, le gaz néon se libère E...
Born On A Train [Italian translation]
Alcune strade sono solo viste di notte Strade fantasma, niente eccetto insegne al neon Ma alcune notti il gas neon si libera E diventa un morto che ca...
Busby Berkeley Dreams lyrics
I should have forgotten you long ago But you're in every song I know Whining and pining is wrong and so On and so forth, of course of course, But no, ...
Busby Berkeley Dreams [French translation]
J'aurais dû t'oublier il y a longtemps de cela, Mais tu es dans chacune des chansons que je connais Geindre et se languir est mal alors En avant et ai...
Busby Berkeley Dreams [Italian translation]
Avrei dovuto dimenticarti tempo fa Ma sei in ogni canzone che conosco Lamentarsi e struggersi è sbagliato, e quindi Eccetera eccetera, e così via, cer...
Candy lyrics
Candy, it's been really nice, but I've got to go 'Cause I can't be the part of your life you don't wanna know And I can't keep lying all the time And ...
Candy [French translation]
Candy, c'était vraiment bien, mais je dois y aller Car je ne peux pas être la partie de ta vie que tu ne veux pas connaître Et je ne peux continuer de...
Candy [Italian translation]
Candy, É stato molto bello ma adesso devo andare perché non posso essere la parte della tua vita che non vuoi sapere E non posso continuare a mentire ...
Come Back From San Francisco lyrics
Come back from San Francisco It can't be all that pretty When all of New York City misses you Should pretty boys in discos Distract you from your nove...
Come Back From San Francisco [French translation]
Rentre de San Francisco, Ça ne peut pas être si joli que ça Alors que la ville de New York toute entière s'ennuie de toi Si jamais les jolis garçons d...
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