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Nik & Jay lyrics
Du gør mig høj lyrics
Du gør mig høj, du' den eneste Den eneste der ta'r mig til stjernerne Med dig er jeg ikk' alene. lov mig at du griber hvis jeg falder ned yop, jeg' hø...
Du gør mig høj [English translation]
You get me high, you're the only one The only one who takes me to the stars With you I'm not alone. promise me that you'll catch me if I fall down yop...
Elsker hende mere lyrics
Jeg har følt mig så alene, så lang tid med hende Har druknet mit begær i blå kings og rødvin Og i private night med Sade's "by your side", på repeat. ...
Elsker hende mere [English translation]
I have felt so alone for such a long time with her/ I have drowned my lust in blue King's* and red wine/ And in private night with Sade's "By Your Sid...
Elsker hende mere [English translation]
I have felt so alone, for so long time with her Have drowned my desire in ”blue kings” (cigarette brand) and red wine And in private night with Sade’s...
Elsker hende mere [Spanish translation]
Me he sentido tan solo, tanto tiempo con ella He ahogado mi deseo en los cigarrillos y el vino Y en la noche intima con Sade´s “by your side” repitién...
En dag tilbage lyrics
Okay, hvis du fik at vide du havde en dag tilbage at leve i hvad ville du så gøre? Hvad jeg ville gøre? Jeg tror jeg ville.. hæve lidt penge på min fi...
En dag tilbage [English translation]
Okay, if you were told you had one day left to live what would you do? What would I do? I think I would.. Have some money on my business account run d...
En dag tilbage [English translation]
Okay, if you were told that you had one day left to live What would you do? What I would do? I think I would Withdraw some money from my company accou...
En dag tilbage [Spanish translation]
Vale, si descubrieses que sólo te queda un día de vida, ¿Qué harías entonces? ¿Qué haría? Lo que creo que haría... Cogería un poco de dinero de la cue...
endnu en lyrics
Nu til dags der vil folk gerne snakke, som om de havde noget at sige, please Men der kommer intet ud når de bevæger deres læber, de har jo ikke noget ...
endnu en [English translation]
Nowadays people really want to talk, like they have something to say, please However, there is nothing coming out when they move their lips, they have...
endnu en [English translation]
Nowadays they like to talk as if they had something to say, plz But nothing comes out when they move their lips, they have nothing on Nik & Jay-ay Bec...
Engle Eller Dæmoner lyrics
Det her er ikke reality TV, nope lad mig fortæl’ Ser du min virkelighed er et show i sig selv Og når man er så højt oppe kan der være langt ned Så jeg...
Engle Eller Dæmoner [English translation]
This is not reality TV, nope let me tell you You see, my reality is a show in it self And when you'r so far up there might be a long way down So I'm j...
Et sidste kys lyrics
De ting hun sagde til mig kører rundt og rundt Jeg ved at man kan vænne sig til alting, men det gør ondt Tiden læger alle sår, siger de Men hvornår er...
Et sidste kys [English translation]
The things she told me running round and round I know that you can get used to everything, but it still hurts Time heals all wounds, they say But when...
Et sidste kys [English translation]
The things she told me spins around and around I know you can get used to everything, but it hurts time heals all wounds, they say but when? how is it...
Et sidste kys [English translation]
Nik: The things she said is going round and round in my head I know you can get used to everything, but it hurts Time heals they say But when is it? W...
Et sidste kys [English translation]
The things you said to me is running around and around (in my head) I know you can get used to everything, but it hurts They say that time heals all w...
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