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West Coast of Clare lyrics
Sorrow and sadness, bitterness, grief Memories I have of you Won't leave me in peace My mind was running back To the west coast of Clare Thinking of y...
West Coast of Clare [Esperanto translation]
Sorrow and sadness, bitterness, grief Memories I have of you Won't leave me in peace My mind was running back To the west coast of Clare Thinking of y...
West Coast of Clare [Italian translation]
Sorrow and sadness, bitterness, grief Memories I have of you Won't leave me in peace My mind was running back To the west coast of Clare Thinking of y...
Johnny Cope
Hey Johnny Cope are ye walking yet or are your drums a beating yet If ye were walking I would wait tae gang tae the coals in the morning Cope sent a c...
Johnny Cope [Italian translation]
Hey Johnny Cope are ye walking yet or are your drums a beating yet If ye were walking I would wait tae gang tae the coals in the morning Cope sent a c...
As I Roved Out lyrics
As I roved out, on a bright May morning, To view the meadows and flowers gay Whom should I spy but my own true lover As she sat under yon willow tree....
As I Roved Out [Italian translation]
Passeggiavo un bel mattin di maggio per ammirare i prati e in fiori in boccio, chi ti trovo se non il mio vero amore seduta sotto quel salice? "Ti ho ...
Bean Pháidín lyrics
Bean Pháidín Sé an trua ghéar nach mise, nach mise Sé an trua ghéar nach mise Bean Pháidín Sé an trua ghéar nach mise, nach mise Is an bhean atá aige ...
Bean Pháidín [English translation]
Bean Pháidín Sé an trua ghéar nach mise, nach mise Sé an trua ghéar nach mise Bean Pháidín Sé an trua ghéar nach mise, nach mise Is an bhean atá aige ...
The good ship Kangaroo lyrics
Once I was a waitin' man That lived at home at ease Now I am a mariner That ploughs the angry seas I always loved sea-faring life I bid my love adieu ...
The good ship Kangaroo [Italian translation]
Un tempo ero un uomo che viveva comodo a casa, oggi sono un marinaio che solca i mari furiosi Ho sempre amato la vita del mare e ho detto addio al mio...
the Jolly Beggar lyrics
It's of a jolly beggarman Came tripping o'er the plain He came unto a farmer's door A lodging for to gain The farmer's daughter she came down And view...
the Jolly Beggar [Italian translation]
C'era un allegro mendicante che andava in giro per la pianura, e arrivò alla porta di un contadino a chiedere un riparo per la notte. La figlia del co...
The Raggle Taggle Gypsy lyrics
There were three gypsies came to our door. They came brave and boldly, O. One sang high and another sang low, And the other sang Raggle-Taggle Gypsies...
The Raggle Taggle Gypsy [French translation]
Trois Bohémiens s'en vinrent frapper insolemment à notre porte. L'un chantait haut et l'autre bas et le dernier dans le sabir des Gitans. La maîtresse...
The Raggle Taggle Gypsy [Italian translation]
Tre zingari si presentarono alla porta, vennero con grinta e baldanza e uno cantava da tenore, l'altro da basso e il terzo suonava una melodia gitana ...
Thousands are sailing lyrics
You brave Irish heroes where'er you may be I pray, stand a moment and listen to me Your sons and fair daughters are all going away And thousands are s...
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