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Marisa Monte also performed lyrics
Pixinguinha - Rosa
Tu és divina e graciosa Estátua majestosa do amor Por Deus esculturada E formada com ardor Da alma da mais linda flor De mais ativo olor Que na vida é...
Rosa [English translation]
You are divine and graceful Majestic love statue Sculpted by God And formed with ardour From the soul of the most beautiful flower With the most activ...
Rosa [French translation]
Tu es divine et gracieuse Statue majestueuse de l'amour Sculptée par Dieu Et formée avec l'ardeur De l"âme de la plus jolie fleur Du plus actif arôme ...
Samba e Amor lyrics
Eu faço samba e amor até mais tarde E tenho muito sono de manhã Escuto a correria da cidade, que arde E apressa o dia de amanhã De madrugada a gente a...
Samba e Amor [French translation]
Je fais la samba et l'amour jusqu'à très tard Et j'ai très sommeil le matin J'écoute la ruée de la ville, qui brûle Et accélère le jour le matin De bo...
Peninha - Sonhos
Tudo era apenas uma brincadeira E foi crescendo, crescendo Me absorvendo E de repente Eu me vi assim completamente seu Vi a minha força amarrada no se...
Sonhos [Croatian translation]
Sve je na početku bila samo šala I raslo je, raslo Obuzimalo me I odjednom Otkrio sam da sam potpuno tvoj Otkrio sam da je moja snaga vezana za tvoj k...
Sonhos [English translation]
Everything started as a joke But it became to grow on and on... Absorbing me on and on And suddenly I found myself completely as part of you I saw my ...
Sonhos [French translation]
Tout n'était qu'une plaisanterie Et cela a grandi, grandi En m'absorbant Et soudain Je me suis vu ainsi complètement à toi J'ai vu ma force attachée à...
Sono come tu mi vuoi lyrics
Sono come tu mi vuoi e ti amo come non ho amato mai Io sono la sola che possa capire tutto quello che c'è da capire in te. Forse se baciassi me forse ...
Sono come tu mi vuoi [English translation]
I am as you want me And I love you as I have never loved I am the only one That could understand everything that has to be understood about you. Maybe...
Sono come tu mi vuoi [French translation]
Je suis comme tu me désires Et je t'aime comme je n'ai jamais aimé Moi je suis la seule Qui puisse comprendre Tout ce qu'il y a à comprendre de toi. P...
I have heard it through the grapevine
I bet you're wonderin' how I knew 'Bout your plans to make me blue With some other guy you knew before Between the two of us guys You know I loved you...
I have heard it through the grapevine [Italian translation]
I bet you're wonderin' how I knew 'Bout your plans to make me blue With some other guy you knew before Between the two of us guys You know I loved you...
I Can See Clearly Now [Serbian translation]
Sad mogu da vidim potpuno jasno, kiša je prestala Sad mogu da vidim prepreke na mom putu Crni oblaci koji su me držali slepog su otišli Ovo će biti sv...
I Can See Clearly Now [Serbian translation]
Сада видим јасније, киша је престала, Могу да видим све своје препреке Нестали су тамни облаци који су ме заслепили Биће то светао (светао), светао (с...
I Can See Clearly Now [Spanish translation]
Puedo ver claramente ahora, la lluvia se ha marchado puedo ver todos los obstaculos en mi camino se han marchado las nuves negras que me tenian segado...
I Can See Clearly Now [Turkish translation]
Net olarak görüyorum şimdi, yağmur durdu Görüyorum yolumdaki tüm engelleri Beni kör eden tüm kara bulutlar gitti Bugün ışıl ışıl Güneşli bir gün olaca...
Orlando Silva - Rosa
Tu és, divina e graciosa Estátua majestosa do amor Por Deus esculturada E formada com ardor Da alma da mais linda flor De mais ativo olor Que na vida ...
Rosa [English translation]
Thou art, divine and graceful Majestic statue of love Sculpted by God And formed with ardor From the soul of the most beautiful flower Of most lively ...
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