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Kreator lyrics
Extreme Aggression [Slovak translation]
Extreme aggression From an extremely insane mind Resting unconscious Pushed up by white lines Inhuman violence I never thought it would come this far ...
Extreme Aggression [Spanish translation]
Extreme aggression From an extremely insane mind Resting unconscious Pushed up by white lines Inhuman violence I never thought it would come this far ...
Fallen Brother lyrics
Much too young you had to leave this place A life united through, whatever came The wheel of time has led your soul astray Seize and cherish all remai...
Fallen Brother [Bulgarian translation]
Твърде млад трябваше да напуснеш това място Живот обединен през това, което пристигна Колелото на времето изпрати душата ти по грешния път Грабни и па...
Fallen Brother [Croatian translation]
Premladi morao si napustiti ovo mjesto Život ujedinjen, kroz štogod da je došlo Kotač vremena vodio je tvoju dušu Uhvati i održaji sve preostale dane ...
Fallen Brother [Slovak translation]
Príliš mladý si musel opustiť toto miesto Život zjednotený cez čokoľvek čo prišlo Koleso času viedlo tvoju dušu, blúdi Zmocni sa a chovaj pamiatku Vše...
Fatal Energy lyrics
Lies, I can't stand these Lies anymore These tells about A better world A better world for you and me Hate, our hate is growing, That's for sure Futur...
Fatal Energy [Slovak translation]
Klamstvá, nemôžem zniesť tie klamstvá už viac Tie hovoria o lepšom svete Lepšom svete pre teba a mňa Nenávisť, naša nenávisť rastie To je pre istú bud...
Flag Of Hate lyrics
Dark shadows lie over the city Tonight someone will die, you can hear Some painful scream the air is full of flies The mayhemic legions are ready to s...
Flag Of Hate [Slovak translation]
Dark shadows lie over the city Tonight someone will die, you can hear Some painful scream the air is full of flies The mayhemic legions are ready to s...
Flag Of Hate [Spanish translation]
Dark shadows lie over the city Tonight someone will die, you can hear Some painful scream the air is full of flies The mayhemic legions are ready to s...
Forever lyrics
Forever torn apart Forever gone Forever things will come Back to the start Forever honesty Forever gone Forever trust to me There can't be none Though...
Forever [Slovak translation]
Navždy odtrhnuty oddelene Navždy preč Navždy prídu veci Späť aby som začal Navždy poctivosť Navždy preč Navždy dôverujem sebe Tam nemôže byť žiaden A:...
Forever [Spanish translation]
Por siempre desgarrado Por siempre ido Por siempre las cosas vendrán De vuelta al principio Por siempre la honestidad Por siempre ido Por siempre conf...
From Flood Into Fire lyrics
I don't know who I should belong to All I know is that I don't belong So if you feel the same that I have always felt Let's walk this path through fla...
From Flood Into Fire [Russian translation]
Нет я не знаю с кем я в Братстве, То всего лишь догадка моя, Если в жизни и твоей не без дерьма, Готовься Друг,ждут Свет и Тьма. Наш путь исцелять, Ст...
From Flood Into Fire [Slovak translation]
Neviem komu by som mal patriť Všetko čo viem je že nepatrím Takže ak cítiš rovnako že som vždy cítil Kráčaj po tejto ceste cez plameň a záplavu A: Dov...
Future King lyrics
All seen before it goes on forever more This time your truth just offers nothing new Walking down the empty streets of never-ending tragedy Nothing he...
Ghetto War lyrics
Out there in the shadows of suburbia Minds consumed by substance only cold hearts survived A gathering of mutants in disorder Way below the surface so...
Gods Of Violence lyrics
We shall kill, we shall kill, we shall kill, we shall kill Rise god of violence in immortal majesty The forces of separatists to arms Malicious titans...
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